Friday, September 23, 2011

each and every one of us, have our own personality,
each and every one of us, have our own thoughts,
each and every one of us, have our own beliefs.

it is basically what shapes us into a person of who we are today,
we see twins, growing up within the same family, same face even, but you could easily identify them as their own, that is if you actually have time to learn them better as individuals.

we grow up with the environment affecting us in almost every step of the way.
family, friends, surroundings, everything!
a simple reason to why we question at 'everything' when we do encounter them,
that way, we learn, we learn what it is, how it is, and why it is like that.
sometimes, we don't get the answer that we were looking for, we would normally end up making our own assumptions... until we finally know the truth.
maybe you can tell me that, 'not everything people say can be true, what if we belived in a lie?'
what i would say is that,
if you do know the truth, would you want to change your belief and believe with the current truth told, or would you want to continue believing in a lie when you already know it's the truth?
'what if you don't even know whether it's a lie or not?'
it is fine, because as long as you know what is true, why doubt yourself?

speaking about doubt,
it is closely related to beliefs.
there is a fine line between 'believe' and 'believe but with doubts'
well, the word 'doubt' there already stands as an obvious proof that you are not confident with what you believe in, yet you insist in believing.
these doubts can cause trouble, it only depends on how a person choose to react when this belief is countered or questioned.
you could be defending your belief in an hardcore manner as you choose not to accept whatever the others may be telling you,
you could be listening, but still disagreeing with what is being told, silently,
you just simply choose not to care.
i honestly think that the third option would be the best,
but then again, the third option meant that you truly believe in what you believe in already.
ahah! i think i just contradicted myself.
but of course, 'believe but with doubts' can be easily strenghtened to 'believe' as it is easy to listen, accept, and eliminate the doubts. =)

i hope i ain't bringing you on some rollercoaster ride that you're all giddy of.
cause i'm pretty sure i lost myself in the event of typing this out.
owh and,
here, i am not applying this to every single individual, because everybody is different.
i accept that you do not agree with what i say, please to share with me your thoughts. =)
i shall continue... =F

on an account of my personal thoughts,
my beleifs are always the opposite.
i don't belive in the existence of god,
i don't believe that it is necessary to have a religion,
i can never believe that i will be a successful person someday in the future.
in contrary, my auntie would say that i'm saying all these because i'm seeking attention.
then my doubts kick in, because she is so influential to me, it does make me feel like i am doing so sometimes,
it then caused me to keep low at times,
but at times, it also caused me to just spill every piece of me to whoever, which includes random people.

a belief is true, if you believe it is.
for instance, if you believe you can get good results for your examination,
you will still be satisfied with the effort you have given,
because you believed you can do it, and so you will give it your all,
in the end, even if the results did not reach up to par,
you will still be satisfied, because,
you have done you best,
you did not doubt yourself,
you believed in what you believed in.

so, why should one's beliefs be questioned in any way,
since it is has built who we are,
shaped how we think,
gave us strength to be able to stand on our own two feet to face the gruelsome reality of life?

on second thought,
yes, you can have questions about what they believe in,
but why not approach them with that curiosity of yours along with the willingness to learn about what they believe in and not question like 'why the hell are you believing in the crap anyways?'
that, is emotionally wrong.
why not show some repect?
after all, what comes around, goes around.

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