Tuesday, January 10, 2012

of selfishness.

we all are selfish in a way, buried deep down in our souls. whether we like it or not, we all are still selfish people. it only depends on how we project our selfish self to the world.

*am not too sure if i have come across this topic before, but i guess i will just go ahead with it. =)*

with selfishness, we opened ourselves to different possibilities. the main reason why some people would have to sacrifice almost everything in order to succeed in whatever that was intended to do. little did we know, we would be deemed as selfish when we make a decision to focus on that particular thing that we were to do. simple example would be portrayed when i took up the decision on travelling to australia to study Zoology. if one stops to ponder on this, it is actually one very selfish thing to do. first of all, it costs alot, and a career that comes after did not guarantee me a good income. selfishness of that is that i was practically leeching money off my mother's belt in order to do something that I WANTED TO DO.

arguements may come about, debating that, 'it is your future, it should be something that you want to do, you can always give the money back later'. which can be quite true. in retrospect, i would have to restrict my mother from spending money on herself, as she has to save those money just for me to study. honestly? i asked her if i was selfish, she had not hasitate to tell me that i was selfish that i was literally leeching her dry just to study.
another one? 'why not pick the uni that costs less?'. why did i not? i could probably save tons if i were to do that. as a defending statement, i would say it is because the education is as expensive as how the price is. don't get me wrong, i did opt for the cheaper cost, but if the best had accepted you, would you not pick the best one? it is similar to the cases where you choose to buy things, we see the things with better quality end up the pricier ones, and would normally end up with the 2nd best. on occasion cases, these 2nd best does not ALWAYS end up as good as the first one. but then again, it only depends on the individual. 2nd best still works BEST for some of us. it still does.

i admit, i am selfish with my decision. but if you were to speak to me about selfishness, i would probably tell you that the best option is to STOP STUDYING AND START WORKING.

*just as i was talking about selfishness, my brother just took the fan away and faced it towards him, now i'm heating up on the other side of the room. do you really want to argue with me on this one?*

though we may be selfish little bastards walking around amongst every other selfish bastards, there are times where we should learn to be selfless. and that, would be the best thing to do, it is somewhat of a good deed for the mankind. yeah, we are selfish, but if we do get selfless from time to time, i don't see how is it a bad thing to be selfish once in a while. at least it would calm yourself down when people attempt to bomb you with harsh comments, saying how selfish you are, would probably just make you go, 'really? you call me selfish? what about those other selfless things that i have done? why don't you try scolding me for being selfless then?'. ah. sweet revenge. even if you don't say that, what works best is what you feel in you. as long as you know what you did, then why worry? ;)

i try to be as selfless as i can, but once someone tells me how selfish i am, it does get into my nerves. one that would probably be the most stubborn memory that will haunt me until i get it solved. learning how to accept it, would be a start. learning to change and be a selfless person would be the next. okay, maybe not selfless, let's say, KIND! yeap. sounds much more pleasing, yeah? ;)

being kind is never a hard thing to do. what stops us is the fact that we think that others would be doing the kindness and there was no need for us to be kind. if you can think that way, what makes you think that others won't think the same way? it is only a matter of effort that we put into things we do. the slightest and the smallest kindness we do, would actually carry on a long way. if kindness was done to you, wouldn't you feel a tad bit special and touched at it? why not pass it on when you can, imagining that the others would get to experience that special kindness feeling you had. soon enough, we would see the whole world being KIND PEOPLE!.

such kindness immediately cancels out any selfish claims anyone could possibly speak of. it even overshadows it completely when done full heartedly. even then, any selfish decisions you made, would not even match up to the kindness that you have for others.

maybe. all i wanted to do is to share with you, my fellow readers the importance of kindness and how selfishness is only one silly thing humans can do to hurt each other's feelings and so on. yet we can't stop people from saying what they want to say, and the only way to overcome that, is for our internal self to accept things as they are. somewhat like the paparazzis constantly going on and on about the negative sides of the celebrities when they were all gossips to begin with.

okay. i am getting confused with what i am saying.
i should stop here.

owh, and be kind. it's good for your soul. <3

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