Wednesday, June 15, 2011

4 in the morning

well. literally. it's 2.41 am right now. ahah
i have no idea how on earth am i going to wake up tomorrow morning. =/
as a matter of fact, today i woke up late;

wakes up, wondering why the alarm did not ring as usual,
looked out, it was really bright outside.
(because normally i set my alarm at 6.15am and i'll snooze until 6.45am. ngehehe. so yeah, it'll still be dark by that time)
then i felt something was not normal or right,
a millisecond later i realised i was late! =(
and there was rachel and diane waiting for me to drive them to college.
i felt really guilty. =/

one thing i dislike about waking up late is that i dont get to bath.
i HATE that. i guess cos i was so used to waking up early, getting my hair washed and blown dry. just to get pretty hair. =P but at the same time, the bath wakes me up. freshens up everything! =D
another thing about waking up late is that i will tend to forget things. like today i forgotten to bring my bio lab manual with me. =/
oh right, not to forget, everything just goes WRONG when u're rushing. -.-

now i'm wondering what on earth i had been doing for the past few hours when i could've just do whatever i was suppose to do, but until now, i'm still not done with my stuff. *grumbles*
hehehehehehehe. i seriously cannot get myself a laptop. otherwise this will happen for sure. i get distracted like nobody's business. =(
first there is facebook. i have NOTHING to do there, yet it's automatic. i have the computer on, laptop or desktop, the first thing that i open will be facebook. eventhough there is NOTHING, i repeat, NOTHING to do there. -.-
then there is twitter. bleah. what do i do here? i just rant.rant. and rant even more. i pity my followers in a way, they have to look at some depressing unrealistic complaints, like almost daily. =/ but i cant help it. i just complain as i like there. now that is a BAD thing. cos i realise, i got addicted to it too. sigh~
and now, we have blogger. which i only restarted yesterday. i'm pretty sure this is like some extended version of twitter, filled with rants, just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than in twitter. even leon asked me, why so i bother blogging. (i had some problems with the HTML crap that got me stressed up for like half an hour this afternoon. *grumbles*) honestly, i have no idea why i restarted my blogging. hohoho!

it's 5 minutes to 3 in the morning.
i'm left with 3 hours of sleep.
tomoro, i'll definitely go K.O. *stone face*
ahhhhh~ okay. give and take 5 to 15 minutes to rearrange this stupid html crap again. =/

i miss seeing a rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. over here, 6.45 am quite bright already haha

    and why you sleep so late??
