Tuesday, June 28, 2011

i have been studying!
HAHA! YESSSSS! an achievement. *proud*
it's not as much as i couldnt have been doing, but at least an improvement compared to the past two months where i hadnt actually been myself.
at least i'm recovering! neheheheheh
well. initially when i got my first sem results, i had no emotions at all.
yes. i did have a few disappointmenst with it, but really, i couldnt be bothered about it then.
and since i've been complaining to my auntie about how bad i was doing for my math and chem, so i guess she assumed i was actually failing these two subjects. hehe
yeay! so the moment i got my results, the first thought that came to my mind was; show my auntie immediately when i get home.
and i was expecting her to give me some sarcastic comments like; "you think u very smart la now." but instead she said "not bad ah." HURH!
but of cos, my consciousness tells me i have to work harder to improve my grades and all, BUT I REALLY HAD NO FEELINGS ABOUT IT THEN! all i did was complain about how bad i did. i did compare a little, but yeah. it was just for comparing sake. heh.


i had my moment of hysterical laughter last friday.
i remember i used to laugh like that randomly back in highschool (especially in tuition) i could just laugh and laugh and laugh for no apparent reason.
that was the exact thing i did that friday.
i laughed until i cried.
uh huh. superb. =D
and it was all because of this italian guy's book of WEIRD stuff.
it was mind boggling. but it caught my attention!
it had words that NOBODY could understand. and had pictures that were seriously bizarre.
hrmm. give me a minute. i shall go search for the book title. =F
hah! Codex Seraphinianus. hrm. you can google image it. the cover itself made me go insane. -.-

that was fun really. its been awhile since i got to laugh myself til a point where i CRY. that is pure laughter. =)

OKAY! now what?

ah yes. i've been hardworking too.
*LOL at self praise*
hrm. considerable laaaaaa. =/
i've been getting myself busy recently.
unlike for the past 6 months, i will only go for my physio ONCE A WEEK.
now i'm going twice a week.
which also means i have to spend more on petrol, parking and also time.
fair enough.
considering that i want to get that whole session done by this year.
and i get to grow taller too!
if i'm done with my session, i can go hang out with buddies!
which also means i have to spend more.
if there's nobody who wants to hang out with me, i can just go home and SLEEP.
where is my studying time?
whenever i feel like it.

OKAY. this is getting more and more random.
super lifeless now.
i can seriously go on and on ranting about everything. =O

i better get going now.
otherwise i'll start annoying you, my very patient reader.
very much appreciated!

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