Tuesday, June 14, 2011

hot summer! a hot hot summer!

the first thing i opened twitter, i saw tweets about tremors and earthquakes.
it's starting to get alittle worrying.
we can actually track back this year and see like multiples of earthquakes here and there.
first would be the Christchurch Earthquake in New Zealand.
i find it quite mindboggling. =O
maybe that isnt the right word but yeah. somewhere along the lines wil do. =D
new zealand is like some super peaceful and also isolated country by itself. that one already looked bad.
those earthquakes in Indonesia seems to be like some frequent visitor coming to the surface of the earth to ROCK us for a while every now and then. =/
but i guess the most drastic would be the Japan earthquake.
it was out of randomness that i was watching National Geographic and they were having this documentary on the life experiences on the earthquake. using life footage from the citizens video-ing them for some unknow reason.

Logically. i would be terrified to a point where i would just want to save myself and my loved ones and wouldnt even BOTHER taking out any recording gadgets to capture those spectacular moments.

Like seriously.
what if those gadgets gets flushed away with the tsunami current or it dropped while u are running, busy saying your own life.
like. HUH?!
but then again. it's pretty dang cool.
thanks to these selfless ppl,
we have this oppotunity to SEE and FEEL what they went through.
there was one part where i saw those camera man.
i'm pretty sure they are from the news. and they were seen standing super close to the water as the tsunami was busy sweeping away everything.
seriously is it worth risking your life for that footage?

alright alright. back to the topic. HAHAHA
hmm. yeah. i was busy talking about the tsunami. well. that always happens after an earthquake when it involves the coastal area. it was THAT bad. even those tsunami barriers did not work.
well the magnitude of the earthquake was infact the highest on the scale so far.

like honestly, i have never given thought of all this earthquakes.
thank goodness for the awesome geographical country of Malaysia,
i did not have that urge to feel worried.
even for that DRAMATIC tsunami that hit Malaysia like years ago.
it makes the world seem GENEROUS-er than ever.
they actually have to WAIT for a catastrophe to happen before they decide to be generous, offering help like never before.

heh. i keep flying off topic.
then two days ago, newspaper was buzzing around with the twin earthquake in Christchurch, AGAIN. =/
i cannot imagine how on earth those citizen can go through that.
the just got hit in less than 6 months and now they got hit again, DOUBLE! =/
then today, another twin earthquake in Indonesia.
reports were saying klang valley area felt the tremors. *and inti was closed down. -.- *

the world is deteriorating.
pretty dang sure that the end of the world is around the corner.
even if u do survive the apocalypse, u'll have to begin from scratch.
well. i'd rather be dead in that case.

as i see it, there isnt much we can do but just sit, look and watch what mummy earth will do.
which gives us a REASON to enjoy life even more!
live for the present! not the future.

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