Saturday, October 22, 2011

the moment i came home lst night, i immediately sat there in my room, typing this out.
but i had an internet breakdown at home, i saved it as an external drafts.
and now i am sitting in oldtown white coffee, taking advantage of it's free wifi, just to post this up.
this, is for you.

21st Oct, 11.17pm

That shirt made us look like we were some janitor, or some Petronas workers. But we wore them proud anyways. It was what made us significant, this year. How can we possible forget this AusMat shirt when we have such eye catching colour as our shit colour. LMAO. Walking around pyramid or ikea with a whole group of us wearing our AusMat shirt, made us feel like we were Petronas workers on a lunch break. HAHAHAHAHA. We awesome like that, yo. =)
Even so, we wore it proud. We flashed it in any way possible. HAHAHAHAHA

And then we have the discussion room, where it had somehow become our second home, aside from all the classrooms we had. We would practically swarm the room, as though it belongs to AusMat all by itself. Best memory? Haha. AusMat CS marathon in that computer room in the library. How could one possibly forget those days? And it was what? One week in during EE2? Hahahah! The whole flock of us will practically take over the whole room, start gaming CS against one another, cursing almost every second in between. Librarians came in to tell us not to play, threatening to take our student ids away… but we still went on playing… UNTIL THE DAY THAT THEY BLOCKED US FROM INSTALLING CS INTO THE COMPUTERS THERE! =( And so, we went back into studying mode… really?

Thinking back, shit! AusMat was only for ten months? Who said it was 11months in the first place ah?! Hahaha! Am I the only one who got tricked into getting to Ausmat? Claiming it to be the easiest pre-U course ever available, cheapest, and most worth it? Claiming that it would guarantee a place somewhere, somehow? Maybe I was over exaggerating it, but AusMat was probably nowhere near label, “Easiest Pre-U Course Ever Available”.

My apologies. It’s just me complaining on how tough AusMat was. =P It probably is the easiest, because we have yet to compare it with other pre-U courses. But as we went through the months, getting to know more about other courses, everybody seemed to be claiming that their courses are the hardest. Mind you, of course it is hard. It’s your one and only experience. Unless you have experienced all the different different pre-U courses available, then maybe you have the rights to say so. But as of now, na-uh.

First day of AusMat: “Oooohhh! So cool! So cool! Must study hard! Must study hard! Yeah! Assignment? AIYAK! Nehmind! Do!! Do!! Do properly and get good marks.”

First week of AusMat: “Wah! Subject very interesting! Okay! Can study! Can do it!”

First month of AusMat: “Woi. Parking like crap, jam like mad. Siennn! Oih? EXAM AH? SHITTT!”

First Evaluation Exam: “Huh? Why results so poor one? It’s okay, still got one more sem to cover up! Add oil!!”

One month before EE2: “SO MUCH TO COVER! HOW TO STUDY?!”

EE2: “I think I know how to do this! EYH?! CANNOT DO?! SHITTT!!!”

Return of EE2 results: “What on earth? Why am I scoring so low? What have I been doing? OKAY! MUST BUCK UP FOR MOCK!!!!”

Mock: “omg. Is this for real? GG.”

Mock results: “OH SHITT!!! CONFIRM GG LIAO! NOooooooooooooo~”

Last day of AusMat: T.T

Being in college is like being stuck in high school for 5 years. The only difference is that, everything within those 5 years of high school, is cramped into a short period of ten months.
Ten. Months.
Everything was happening so fast that I was literally thrown out of my own normality.
Friends. Studies. Classes. Daily routine.
It was practically messed up. =/

But looking at the bright side, despite how much that had happened, I learned so much more even though it was only within a short period of time. And I have nobody else to thank but you, each and every one of you who have stepped into my life for the past ten months. Each and every one of you, have taught me so much, that by mentioning it all, it would probably bore you until you’ll just stop here and search for something else more entertaining to do. Even by reading this, I thank you! For your support, for reading this, even though I may or may not know you, you took some of your precious time to come and pay by blog a visit; I thank you with a sincere heart of mine.

However so, I do wish to apologise.
Apologise if I have offended you in any way, (please do tell me if I do)
Apologise if I have caused misunderstandings in any way,
Apologise if I have been rude to you,
Apologise if I have not been listening to you,
Apologise for not appreciating things,
Apologise if I have annoyed you, with all my nonsense,
Apologise, for everything that I have done, to create that discomfort that you have on me.
I, apologise.

Okay. Now I would want to thank you! Thank you for being a part of my college life.
Thank you, for the memories we shared,
Thank you, for making an appearance in my life,
Thank you, for all those that you have thought me,
Thank you, for making me realise things that I have missed,
Thank you, for being patient with me up until today,
Thank you, for being who you are.
Really, thank you.

I saw a rainbow today. Yes, I am random and mad at times, but I have been yearning to catch a glimpse of a rainbow, for like ever. I remember the last time I saw a rainbow was at the very beginning of this year. And today, mr. Rainbow made an appearance again. It seems like it has some connection with AusMat or something. But I am thankful, that I manage to catch that glimpse of rainbow today. It was a good day today. This year, is something that I would definitely remember.

and not to mention the awesomest people i have met throughout the whole of AusMat!
beginning of the year, i had a different set of friends, and thank goodness, i managed to break out of my own shell and gotten to know more people, and also to know how awesome these people are. magnificent.
We could raid Ikea with the whole bunch of us, sitting there in the sofa area where it is blocked for the public for viewing, just to take a group photo.
We could raid the discussion room like nobody's business, until the librarian had to come and break us up,
We could raid almost any restaurants with us, one huge group of AusMat people, just to have a meal together,
We, simply did almost everything together.
i am glad that everything happened as it is,
i, have no regrets this year.
everything was in place,
everything was right,
everything, every moment, was an awesome one.

thank you. all of you. it was really difficult for me to accept the fact that AusMat is over. but i guess there is nothing left to do, but to accept it as it is.

good luck to all of you in the future,
keep it up with the awesomeness each and everyone of you have,
you, are special.


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