Sunday, October 30, 2011

yesterday, my mom left Malaysia, back to Macau to carry on with her routine.
today, my sis left for Aus, back to her routine, while my bro, to Dubai for a holiday with his wife.
i didn't send the earlier two, but i somehow followed to send my bro to the airport,
which was actually unnecessary,
but i followed anyhow.
we practically just drove there, to drop my bro and then left straight for home.
see, it was really unnecessary for me to follow.
but i guess there was a benefit of some sort.

this route have been the exact same route we take, both to the airport and to my grandma's place.
so yeah, since i wasn't talking to anyone, and i wasn't the one driving,
i drifted into a world of my own,
thinking about the past to whichever memory that i could prickle upon, to ponder upon,
but it really is awkward now thinking that my grandma isn't around anymore.
things changed drastically,
and knowing me, i hate changes, let alone drastic ones.
i know now i'll have this weird feeling whenever i look and see some random grandma who could possibly be near my grandma's age. =/
for instance, today, i was queueing at the counter at tesco, where i looked back and caught a glimpse of some random grandma, it got me wanting to look away as soon as i could, because it reminded me of my grandma.

it really is that easy for me to elapse in a delusional world of my own,
just give me a few minutes on my own, and there i'll go,
yes, it would be easy to capture me back to reality,
provided if you could distract me from that current thought i was having, otherwise it would just leave me in that pondering state for the rest of the day,
at times, it could worsen, to a point where i can't talk at all, because the thought was overwhelming by itself.


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