Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello there! I'm the car, on the way to the airport. There had been alot of travelling to and fro from the airport quite recently. Make that for the past six months and also for about one more month or so. Or even maybe up til February. Haha! It all depends really. =)

Airports can be said to have one of the most fodest moments as we normally bid our goodbyes there and also welcome people. Not only that, I do like how the interior of airports are like. Somewhat complicating, but figurable as well. Makes you feel like you are in a maze that requires some thinking before you move to your next destination. Hehe. Airports have massive signboards almost everywhere. From the separation of the arrival and departure halls itself. That would probably confuse some people, as a matter of fact. And since the airports are so huge, young flyers would normally acquire an assistant to bring them to around the airport, to their destination and finally to their guardian or parent.

Not to forget, we get to look at awesome gigantic airplanes! I would dare say, this sight is definitely one sort of highlight for both flyers and non flyers. It isnt everyday that we get to see such ginormous transportation in masses, yes? Though I am curious how the air crew thinks of this. Or even the ground staffs. Hrmmm. Nevertheless. Flights are nice to look forward to... Really? Provided that you have the best services that you paid for. And also the safe flight all the way to your destination. Pricey, but I guess it is worth it since you get to cut down your travelling time by a lot.

Airstewardess. Airsteward. We would normally look at them, expecting them to be tall, lanky and most of all, pretty/handsome. Models on air? Haha! I used to think so. Cause they were normally pretty and handsome. And tall. There used to be requirements of a specific height just to secure a spot as a flight attendant. And also they have got to have no problems with their eyesight. As a matter of fact, has anyone seen a flight attendant with spectacles resting on their noses? Come to think of it, I have yet to see one. But thanks to technology, we now have contact lenses. (somehow it sounds like an advert. Hahaha! Oops.) They have since lowered their height requirements and I do believe contacts are acceptable these days too. =)

Pilots! We normally hear that mysterious musty mushy voice that tries to be joyful every now and then with a slight twitch on the intonations. Unlike the ever lively airstewardesses, you could really differentiate between these two. Often a times, you wont even understand what the pilot is saying even. But it is slightly comforting to hear the pilot's voice, informing you that things are going smoothly as planned. It used to be a biased occupation, where the men would dominate. And when we do know of a female pilot, we wound be stunned. This still happens until this very day, to be honest. Besides, pilots are no joke. They have the lives of the whole plane in their hands. So yes, alot had to be learnt to prevent nasty situations from occuring. Pilot itself is a course now, which is good. They are fully dedicated to learn the complexity of the plane's functions.

As a passenger, we are treated as kings and queens when on board. For if we dont, some of us would resort to threatening the company with a sue or somesort. Considering the amount of money we pay for their services and comfort, we tend to get a little bit selfish in that sense. Flying through the sky, zooming and shaking through clouds, following the sun, things are rather peaceful when we are in the skies. I like my flying moments. I'd always try to get the window seat as often as I can, so I could look out into the dreamy sky and doze off in peace. It used to be me being fascinated at how the wings function during liftoff and landing, but that got boring cause it had always been the same thing. But the sky is much more soothing than that. =)

7.40am, 29th Dec 2011.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The moment I start a topic, I could actually immerse myself into this thing for the whole hour or even more. It does indeed feel like how I would normally do for my exam essays, but this one is more free willed, no restriction whatsoever. Which then makes me feel even more free and mentioning whatever I want to. Which also then makes me sit here and stone for about two hours max, just typing something out.

Substance is important in every essay written. If there isnt any substance, then the essay would just end up a piece of crap. The least so say, that is. But some would prefer using blogs as diaries, some would use it to connect with people, as for me, I use it to test my skills. Not much of a skill I have in this, but it does allow me to express my thoughts in ways I dont normally get to. Returning to substance, yesterday's post felt a little off. Somewhat a little of something that I would not normally do. It doesnt feel right at all when I decided to post it up. The main theme of it was to somehow blame social sites for the lack of privacy.

Blaming. It involves alot of emotions, does it not? I have realised that by putting in much more emotions than I would normally do, gets me feeling that the post isnt right at all. Simply because, when emotions are in play, the writing style will definitely differ from the normal writing that a person normally does. (lol. I am running low on vocabulary. =/) And right now, I am racing against the clock to post about this. Another factor, to be honest, time. One that I would say, the best factor that works well for me. It leaves me very little space to be fully immersed into my emotions to have this post done.

I personally do not fancy blogs that consist of vulgar words. Though some people may use it correctly at times, but I still find them unnecessary. Maybe I am vaguely just jealous of the fact that they were able to express their emotions that easily while I have to hasitate to a point where those post will eventually end up as white elephants. (heh. White elephants. Awesome albino ones. =D Hold it. Or was it pink?! Oh uh...) Have always wondered, what was it that would attract the attention of readers to actually read my posts. But either way, I find it difficult to change my writing ways for it is a developmental matter. I then decided to stop wondering, and just carry on posting what I feel like posting best. =)

And I am done with this post for now. Typing from my phone feels much more carefree while the laptop ones felt a little bit more serious. I wonder why. Hrmm.
Alrighty, it took me twenty minutes to get this done. Haha! Loving this time factor. And I have got to go.
Thanks for your time, every read you do means the world to me... Almost. But really, I do appreciate it. =)
Thank you! <3

10.54am, 28th Dec 2011.

how often do we get this at this modern age? facebook itself had been upgraded to ease stalking to the utmost. and now, stalking seems like a very common thing to do. one can just sit there infront of the computer screen, clicking away, viewing people's profile, what they have been doing, looking at their pictures, browsing through mutual friends list and all. stalking had since been upgraded. eventhough there maybe features where you still can toggle your privacy settings where you can limit certain things that you allow people to view. but given the choice, i guess i would be too lazy to even scroll down and pick the specific option one by one to see who is allowed to view what. nope. it is either it is too private where there is NO POINT having an fb account in the first place of it is too public that there is NO POINT protecting anything in the first place.

see the contradiction? and. we have people who have accept friends for the sake of accepting friends. the 'oh-i-have-more-friends-than-you' kind of people. it does give that tad bit of 'proudness' when you actually have more friends than the others. and well, if you see someone with over a thousand friends, of which is evidently much more than yours, you'll probably go, 'oh, yeah, these people. well, duh!'. (hi! i just proved that humans can be really contradicting. and i like it. heh. then again, it maybe just me.) next, we would look at their picture count. aha! "this person has so much more pictures than me! such a sociable person he/she is!" and then we would look at their walls, scrolling down on what they have been doing.

speaking of number of friends, if only one would stop to scroll through their own friends list, i am pretty sure only about 60% of whom we have actually communicate with, while the others are probably a 'hey! i've seen you aroud and i'm interested in who you are, let me add you!' or probably you only accept cause you didn't want to reject cause it feels somewhat evil. family members as friends? owh. this can be an issue too. some would definitely freak the crap out if their parents would add them on facebook while others would probably find it okay to have family members on facebook. it really depends on the individual. but anyhoo, does the numbers really tell a story? does it not make you wonder why is it that it somehow bothers you a little?

funny how facebook has actually become a routine to almost every single human being who had gotten used to this social website. the first thing a person would do when they turn on their computers or smartphones, i could bet with you, they have a facebook tab somewhere in there. unless this person is a very very very disciplined person who have no clue what facebook is, then maybe. but i believe 98% of the population who have technology knowledge would have facebook somewhere. unless of course, you are from north korea or china, then it would be a pretty fascinating thing that you have one facebook account even. stop right there. even when they don't have facebook, i'm sure they have their own social websites where it functions somewhat like facebook. and again, aside from north korea... yeah. (i am still curious what life is like in north korea. hrmmm)

if it isnt facebook, then it is twitter. or maybe some other social sites like myspace, for the americans? i'm not too sure. am speaking based on the malaysian majority. hey! i remember we were all into friendster back when i was still in primary school and facebook seemed like an adult thing that i didn't even dare to step into. why? because we couldn't decorate facebook and much as we could with friendster. and also because we were too used to friendster than to facebook. but hey, friendster was dying out and facebook was taking over. and now to look back, friendster was definitely something of the past. past worth leaving it as it is. =) and facebook felt more adult-like even with kids around, it still much more adult like.

facebook status, and again, numbers seemed to matter here. we always like to see numbers increasing on the like hits and sometimes on the comments too. it sometimes makes you want to think of something creative to be posted to see some good responses. somewhat like a good place to have open discussion. and when we see other people who constantly have like hits on their pictures while we have none, you'll go a tad bit upset. hehe. okay. maybe not to all of us, but some of us would probably feel. which could then lead to cyber depression. don't be fooled by this term, it does get pretty bad especially when it has to do with mentality. some could actually resort to using social sites to attack without meaning to attack. one could only assume and many a times, it would actually increase the intensity of the initial problem that had occured.

not only that, people were given a chance to be a whole different person throught social sites. people would never know if the other person on the other end were actually having a totally different and what we commonly dub as FAKE personalities. for all we know, our true colours may or may not be showcased in person and be demonstrated best throught social sites. when this happens, it does leave me with several questions. which am i supposed to believe? why is it that it had to take place? somehow, it felt like the social site had allowed people to be whoever they want to be but was unable as a person. it could be very well related to the amount of confidence one has in themselves.

this is a very general post. no clue why am i posting this though. but since it is done. i shall just post it. heh.
thank you for reading. ;D

Sunday, December 25, 2011

as the year is coming to an end, i can't help but to look back at what i had this whole year. and the only best way to end this year would be a good atar for my wace examination. and if that one is perfect, then the year will probably end as perfect as it had begin with.

this will be a weird post. i have definitely lost my writing touch, i apologise for that beforehand. =/

well, i may be one of the last few of those who have packed their notes to be sent for recycling or for passing down to the juniors. i knew i had to do it somehow, but i chose to delay it as far later as possible. but it was getting more and more unbearable to look at the stack of notes and books sitting there, looking at me every moment i come into this room where i slumber in. it just stood there, collecting dust. it brings me some memories. it certainly does.

for one, i would remember walking towards this shelf, picking out the books and notes that i might need for my day in college. i leave my labcoat in the bookshelf too. just in case i leave it out of sight, which will then cause me to not be allowed to do lab stuff if i had unfortunately forgotten to bring it on lab day. which i did. once. and i was panicking, running around the whole campus trying to find one where i can borrow. or did i? but yeah. i only remembered that i had not bring it once. and then we have a few of them who borrowed my labcoat a few times. haha. well, i could actually sell it to my juniors if i want to, but i don't think i will. i'd like to keep it. for memories sake. =)

and so i was packing those notes i had. came across so many notes that brought different memories to me. this is practically insane that even for such small matter, so much memories were collected in it. biology. mr. varun. one of the three epic male lecturers we had. one of the most joyful person whom we'd always look forward to during the day. only thing was that when he gives us a heads up that we were going to do tons of work the next day, we would feel dreaded to go class, but we still ended up in class. because we know he would crack up something that would get our attention on. he prepared us well, cause he was preparing to leave us halfway through the course. bravo mr. V, you got tons of us complaining a hell lot about the next lecturer who was taking over your spot. sure thing she was interesting at first, with her BERSIH activities and all. but that was that. she was all about her bersih and her american experiences and that was all. and then we had our assignments. we were really praying hard that she would be generous with her markings and all. because when we had mr. V, we could just approach him and he would patiently guide us through each and every step, kindly checking our work, making sure we are doing it properly, finding ways that he would not penalise us in anyway possible. that was not the case with miss rekka. it was a total opposite. we even have students skipping her classes whenever we could. it was different. we didn't like the change. at. all. bio classes were the best. we even got to watch movies. and i really meant movies. =)

though i was suffering with other four subjects, to be honest. chem was never my strongest. and my strongest was nowhere above breathing level, english. and whatmore, maths. psycho was alright, as i have never learned it before, but yeah. it was only OKAY.

hehe. nostalgic year. too much to say. i shall just continue spamming. ;D

i remember i was doing oh so poorly with my stochio that it got miss diana concerned. never in my right mind that i thought lecturers would actually care. so it shocked me. and so i took the initiative to try harder. and well. she borrowed me her book and i went to photostat it. laziness was the world. but i did manage to get myself working on my chem right when ee2 was about the corner. the same thing i did for psycho as well. the fact that the lecturers actually did notice the improvement in the students, got me wanting to work harder. =) chem class was awesome. though it was the last class of our time slots, we would normally feel really tired by the time we enter chem classes. but what kept us alive and awake would be the really lame people we have in our classes. some chatterboxes and some boomboxes here and there were probably the best medicine to the tiresome day.

psycho class. i had this same group of people whom i sit with EVERY CLASS WITHOUT FAIL. =D except for the fact that this one guys always decides to come on and off from time to time... make that two. one just disappeared completely after one period of time. at least there were still two around. =) beginning of the year we had a different lecturer. miss zurina. boy how we all tried to like her. =/ i am being honest. i apologise. and then miss jane came in. we finally got a hang of psychology. heh. and miss jane is really adorable. our first impression of her was that she was strict and scary as hell. but i guess it worked well so that we would actually listen to her. but as the year passed on, we got to learn that her angry face was only a mask. we would still end up seeing her smile by the end of the class somehow or rather. she is awesome in everyway. adorably funny. "slap you up down left right, north south eash west." her famous phrase. and if we say something irrelevant, "i *insert irrelevent word here* you ah!". she tries her best to make sure that we all score too. =)

math class. heh. my most dreaded class. no offence. but yeah. i switched classes cause i wanted to have a longer break before my chemistry class. and so i wasn't really attached to my own class. =/ but yeah. when we are in math class, all we do was work work and work. i was even too scared to ask anyone how to do certain questions cause i felt like i was the dumbest there. not much of a fond memory of math class. =/ buti had good companions here. kudos to that. ;D

and lastly, EALD with miss Julia! best memory? got picked for the extra classes for weak students. yeah. i was furious. i mean, i didn't expect my english to be that bad that i actully need to go for extra classes. but hey! thank goodness i got to go. i sucked at synthesis and my writing needed some improvement anyways. so yes, it was a good thing that i was chosen. and i tried to be diligent and went for almost all of her extra classes. but there were times that the classes were cancelled. =/ so it gave me an idea to stay back in college to do some self studying. one good thing that lead to another. how awesome is that? and well. things turned out well.

for whatever it is worth, things had fallen into place and i can only hope that i had made the best out of it all. for i did not want to regret a single thing i do. there may be some times where i did complain that i regret what i do, but as of now, i prefer not to have any regrets, because to me, regrets are what that pulls a person back from advancing forward, and losing the whole point of enjoying life in the first place. it was my turn to take control of my life, college was a stepping stone for me to take lead of my own life. and thank goodness that i had chosen to not regret what i do. for i know regrets have been holding me back for far too long. college will definitely be something worth remembering.
p.s; i even have a favourite toilet that i go to. HAHA! oops. secret revealed. =P
and i also have a favourite food from the cafeteria, and also favourite hangout spot in the library. that is where i found my niches.

look ahead, uni is coming up. all these will have to be rearranged and we all would have to start from square one all over again. but nope, we have experiences now, we would know whom to hang out with, and we would know what makes us feel better when times are rough, and we would know what to do when situation turns cloudy upon us.

i learned to treasure my belongings.
i learned that shopping is quite fun.
but i still restrict myself, mind you.
i only spent on food. like nobody's business. like the world is ending tomorrow.
hey, shouldn't we all be living like that? living like the world is ending tomorrow. aha! naise.
but that's too much. so what if you do live tomorrow and you don't have anymore money to even buy food... please don't. and save some for the rainy season. =)

i had stopped my bookshelf clearance just to post this. i just felt like posting something. keeping memories like the times i had them in my mind before i forget them. somewhat like a time machine. i like. =)

thanks for wasting your time reading this piece of junk. sharing what i thought meaningful to me, hoping to bring some memories back to you guys too. it's almost the end of 2011. reminiscing through would be nice. especially with all those good moments passed. allows you to stop to think, life was good. and you, keeping up with the good spirit in having a better life ahead! yeah. ;D

please don't ever think that your life sucks, for all you know, others out there may have worse experiences worth of the phrase, "f*** my life". just don't be so harsh on yourself. life is worth living. everyday you wake up, it's a whole new day. and you, should be blessed that you are still breathing. for what it's worth, do whatever you want to do before it is too late. HOLD IT. it is never too late for anything. never. =)

here is to the awesome year we all had this year.
and here, is the the awesome year ahead that we all will have!
*imaginary toast of some champagne*

Saturday, December 17, 2011

fears of growing up.
does anyone else out there have this fear too?

as a child, we've always wanted to grow up faster than our age, we would feel proud when someone tells us that we are mature then. we would argue with parents thinking that we were right and they were wrong, almost all the time, when evidently, they were right all along. nope, we just wanted to grow up. because it was cool to be a grown up. but that was then.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Here at the boarding area of the airport. Just said goodbye to my dear mummy about half an hour ago. Now of which, I am waiting to board onto my flight home to Malaysia. My first time flying home alone, I just realised. Will I ever return?

Hugging my mom for my dear life. Literally. How could I not? Much I have bonded with her this trip around. Each time I come here, each time I grow older, each time I grow wiser. At least, I'd like to think I did. =) it isnt all the time that we can have heart to heart talks like that provided the distance. Regardless, she is still my mother, it is just me, unable to feel the bond as close as those I see with my own eyes. Things are just different. As different as it is, well, truth is, everybody has their own different lives of their own... or so to say. Which, is quite true. Without a doubt.

We generalize things, it helps us to keep things as simple as it is, thus sometimes, gives us thoughts that 'they are of the same species' unable to understand what 'we' are going through from time to time. But would we bother to stop, to think about what the other party had been through before we have our own opinions and thoughts about it? In general, we wouldnt, and for those who think too much, are deemed silly for thinking so much. So which is which?

I realise I have been arguing myself with this exact same issue over and over again for the past few posts. I apologise for the repeated naggings of unnecessary ponderings. I truly am sorry for those posts. ><

I shall go back to my lovely days with my dear mummy, shall i? Hehe. Poor mummy was having that time of the month. Good thing her boyfriend was around for the first five days, where she could put all her attention on him and release her stress on him. =P it gets a bit annoying that they were arguing, but owh well, at least they were not angry at each other. Just that I did feel slightly left out whenever they talk. After all, I guess opposite sexes does attract more attention than blood. Hahahahaha! Shh! I did not just tell you that. I brought a little too many books to do some reading, thinking I would have nothing to do when mummy is off working. But he was around, so he was busy bringing me and mummy places. Guilt trip this had become. =/

It wasnt until he left that I could feel my mommah's loneliness. Even with my presence, I could feel it. Poor mummy. ='( So with all her focus on me, she was screaming at me. For my behaviours where I am like every other teenager, whom she has not raised up by her own, a child who seem like a big kid, still unable to be responsible for my own. Yes. I wish I could be mummy's little girl forever too. Probably it was my intention of making her scold me, when on occasion cases, avoiding these would be the norm. Nope. I sat there, watching her scold me fullheartedly. The moments where I felt love through whatever she was saying. Scoldings that made no necessary sense to growing teenagers, words that spilled love.

Haha! Who'd knew I was such a fillial child. I could very well had been the good daughter, listening to whatever she asked of me, but I simply refused. Somehow, I refused. I could tell mummy is worried that I am going off to Australia on my own. It is about time where I learn to experience life on my own, to mummy's eyes, I am still a big kid. A child that is growing physically but mentally still immature and childish. I'd like mummy to have that thought of me. I'd like her to remember me that way, for I know growing up is difficult, even for me, but what more for parents, watching their children grow and say, 'my baby is all grown up'. This would be the time where I would want to stop growing, for this age, at this point of time, one step ahead would mean the world. Literally, but true as it may be.

If you would want to say that I am still a child, it is a denial thought. Well, if my mom or aunt really thinks that I am still that immature, they wouldnt have possibly allowed me to take charge of the car, allowed me to go clubbing or even flying on my own. There will come a time where all denials will be voided. Where both physical and mental evidence will definitely overshadow them denials. But hey, keeping parents at the bay, thinking that we are still kids, will make them feel much more attached to us, eventhough the person is not present within the visual perimeter, it keeps the bond alive. The thought where we will run back into their arms like we used to, the thought where they are our sole pillar to keep our heads above water, the thought that we still need them in our lives.

I have two mothers. One who takes care of me, one who supports me. Without these two, I would not have been where I am today. And my limbs are too long to fit in this crampy seats of airasia flights. I complain like nobody's business. And I appreciate to those who bared with it all. I have no clue why I am writing this, but I did, and I have no plans of editing it, for I have promised myself to be as honest as I can. =)

Moments where we would sit and have heart to heart talks to understand each other better, looking back at what that had been understood wrongly, finally being cleared out. Moments where you listen to know what is on their minds, should be treasured. For they could have been thoughts buried deep down in their hearts and have been hurt countless of times because of it. The thoughts that are the hardest to be shared because of how much it hurts, just to even have a thought of it. Tears that flowed, because of such thoughts, tears that could have possibly meant the world. Tears that meant, the thought had been released. Tears that shows us signs, that things will be better. Tears that will keep us strong.

6.48pm, 15th Dec 2011.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Well, dont I have something to talk about today? =) the adventures I have here in Macau quite recently have been quite an eye opener to things I barely take notice of. Right now at this moment, I am seated at mcD, in Sands Casino, where my mom works at. She is currently working, but I am here. I wonder why myself, but it is good that I am somewhat given the opportunity to see my mom work... literally.

Honestly saying, I dont really know how to use the word 'literally' but it seems to match the sentences I make. High possibilities that I may have misused it many times without realising it, but it flows naturally. Hehe. I do apologise for the confusion, if I did cause any in the first place.

Right, back to my adventures. Today, I went shopping. As a girl, I love shopping. Trying on pretty dresses and clothings, dressing up and dreaming of wearing those pretty stuff. But there is always one factor that stops me short from purchasing them; the price. I mean, if it is reasonable, I'm pretty sure I, or any other girls out there would think twice before purchasing them. But really, what is the 'reasonable' price that we are looking for?

When we shop, there are other factors that play almost as important roles as the price, we would see if we actually do need it, or how worthy the price is, or how worthy the material is, or how fashionable it could be. Some might elapse into shopping fit; buying expensive things because they are in a bad mood or they just felt like shopping. Many a times, these people will fell much better after spending some money. We can say it is some method of self pampering. It works wonders, really.

Some would spend money on others. A certain portion would say that they are the generous bunch, some would also say that they are trying to buy people off. Some would find it difficult to spend on oneself than on others while there are those who are the complete opposite too. It depends on the individual, really. We cant really judge people in that manner can we? In fact, if one does start judging, there are tons of other aspects worth judging altogether.

Hold it. If you are trying to say that i, myself am doing the judging, which also means I have no rights in saying so myself, true. You have a point. But we all are humans, pretty much generalising everything else. After all, I am only merely stating my honest opinions.

Tracing back to my day, I had become my mother'd barbie doll today. She took me to this shop and started shoving me dresses to try. Each of these dresses costs about a thousand hkd/mop. Am sure I tried on about 5 to 6 dresses and mummy picked and purchased 2. Which totaled up to 2k plus. Got a free gift, a teddy bear.

I am not the kind who likes it when a lot of money is involved when purchasing, for I feel like these money could well off be used for other things. Deep down, I do have that feeling of spending that much too, but that would be after a long period of consideration. People would tell me it is too expensive and I would just drop that thought with a heavy heart. A matter with my laptop. It is a necessity, but I went on searching and eventually landed myself with a reasonable priced laptop. Not so much with my phone however. Even named my phone, 'G' to remind me of the guilt I had when I purchased the phone. It wasnt too long ago that I spotted this phone of mine with a much lower price. So yeah. Money wasted right there.

As for dresses. I find them a waste of money too. I am a huge fan of dresses. Loved how dresses compliments my body and makes me look and feel slightly different. But the difference is the cause that those dresses cant be worn repeatedly. More like a one time use matter. And these dresses are always expensive. =( beauty definitely has its price. If you are wondering, 'why not wear it again?', good question, I do not understand what it is that is stopping us from wearing it again. Unless it is a whole different clique of friends, it is possible, but if its the same, chances are... we would still opt to get something new. By we, I meant us, girls. Maybe its cause we were used to seeing everyone wearing something new, everytime there is a formal event or somesort. After all, it isnt everytime that we dress up like that. Or do we?

As a girl, I should be overjoyed that mummy is willing to spend so much on me. But as her daughter, I feel slightly upset, for she had spent those money on me instead of other better things. Yes, I am silly for thinking so, I know. But I guess I was brought up in a way where spending money felt like a forbidden thing to do, yet a must. Haha! I could've told my mummy not to buy for me, but that glowing face of hers when I tried on the dresses, made me speechless. It then hit me, I have never shopped for dresses with my mummy ever before. Ever. I couldnt say no.

10.10pm, 12th Dec 2011.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Double entry! Bam!
Still am here waiting for my dear mummy to come find me. And I just sneezed. It isnt that hard for a frail and stubborn person like me to fall sick. Mom was yelling at me yesterday, asking me to put on something warmer if I wanted to sit in the living room. But I was stubborn as usual, sat there and focused on my phone for the whole one hour. Surprisingly, I didnt feel that cold. I just sat there in the cold, insisting on wearing somethin warmer. Serves me right, I am now sneezing. Pretty sure I will hit fever soon if I dont take care of myself. *sneeze, sniff* voila. Need anymore proof? I am already sick. Mummy is gonna give me the, 'i told you so' face when she sees me sneeze later. Hahaha! Good job for the stubborn one. ;)

Ah yes. Plus the fact that I didnt get enough sleep prior to my flight here, and also not to forget the harsh weather, the stubborn one really deserves it. But then again, if I had a chance I would want to sue airasia. Fullheartedly. Damn. They made us walk around like lost tourists with a lost tourguide. It was noticed that the staffs had no proper communication with one another. I mean, why would you make a group of approximately 190 people walk so much of a distance to only be told that the flight will be at 9.30 instead of the scheduled 6.30 flight? They even made us sit in a plane, settled down, and then make us walk back down from the plane and walking all the way back to the boarding area. If its the klia distance from a plane to the boarding area, that, is still acceptable. But not this. Shyit! Do you know far do we need to walk at lcct just to get to and from the plane to the boarding area? We could well of walked about three to four times the football field.

Had been a loyal airasia flyer since it first came into business. It just deteriorates as years passed. And it is depressing to know that. Oh yeah. I am complaining. =P and this is probably one of the only good thing I can do when this kind of things happen. Heh. To think if I would still fly airasia, I dont think I would anymore. It gets more frustrating as the years go by. I would only end up complaining even more. Haha! Really. I would. ._.

At least other airlines would serve food, as it is already been paid for, and they have better airatewards/dess. ;D and the customers should be of a different group. Yes. Stereotyping had just taken place. =/ I shall stop here with that biased though of mine.

Anyhoo. Today is Saturday. Honestly saying, I cant wait to get back home to the heat. Hehehe. For I have fallen under the weather. ><
I would really like to sleep right now. Gaah. *sniffsniff*shiver* so yes. Dont underestimate the power of mother nature. And if I had the choice, I would like to sit here in Starbucks for the whole day. Atmosphere is good. Gets my brain working to do some writing. High chances I would not even bother to do anything like this back at home. The writing feeling comes go whenever it likes. Which pretty much sucks.

Alrighty. This visit was to come accompany mummy. But it feels like I have been bothering her more than accompany. =/ will be missing this place though. Might not be coming here again. Macau is like my... Third home. =)

Owh yes. I cut my hair. Here is how the scenario went; mummy asked if wanted to have a haircut, and I said yes. It wasnt until I was done with my haircut that I had no our why I wanted to cut it in the first place. But as of now, I am actually liking my haircut. Its something I have yet to try before. It is a messy do. Mine had always been the straight down slightly bob-ed cut. But the frizz was making it unbearable.maybe th was why I decided to cut it off. Now it is short and bushy and messy. Somewhat like Rene's on one of the antm cycle. ;D

Mummy is here! Continue shopping. ;D

5.03pm, 10th Dec 2011.
Hello there. =)
Today I had decided that I would publish a live blog on my daily life and where it evolves upon. This blog post would probably the introduction of what I may be facing, or even my thoughts. High chances that I will express myself sparingly. Thoughts are purely mine, free comments but not condemn comments are more than welcomed. Well, what is the point of a discussion if it involved arguements with bad intentions anyways. That would just ruin the whole thought of it. Mind you, there might be times where I would feel constricted to express myself. Times where I would keep quiet, for emotions would most probably be the whole thought, and therefore, the point is immediately altered.

Lets start somewhere shall we? I have yet to decide on the blog title. Best of all, I havent even opened a new blog and I am already starting up and entry. Well, honestly saying, I just want to get this thing started, otherwise it would end up another white elephant idea. Lets be frank, I have tons of white elephant ideas. *hold that thought!! I have Koreans behind me! Omg!! Omg! Omgggg!!!!... Okay I'm done* yeah. I have many of those. I daydream and imagine alot of fancy ideas. Ideas where it would be abit over the top to even achieve. But then again, even with thoughts like that, I wont be able to carry them out, for I had doubts, doubts that would stop me from reliving those splendid daydream of mine. But then again, there is a reason to why daydream are considered as daydream and not hopes and wishes, right? And if one thinks that they are actually of the SAME thing. Heh. I am truly sorry, my friend, for if someone asks me to think less, most likely, it will... NEVER happen.

Right now, I am sitting here at Starbucks, at the famous 'san ma lou' of Macau. It was filled with people and I actually had to line up. I guess the cold weather here is making everyone tempted to get a sip of some hot goodness of Starbucks. Haha! And a sip of the famous signature hot chocolate, with the bitterish flavour of each mouthful, hot, soothing, just the thing for the winter. Ahh. Yeah. Plus that 'under the weather' feeling, this, is really good. Not to mention that relaxing Christmas music that is playing here at Starbucks. Was apparently selfish enough to hog a three seater table while I am on my own, posting random stuff for the moment. Have been here for about half an hour now, waiting for my darling mummy to call while I indulge myself with some splendid heavenly goodness. I mean, I dont think I would be able to enjoy hot chocolate as much as I would back at home. The weather difference is definitely making every penny worth the price.

On second thought, I might as well post this on my most recent blog as well. This is still a tad bit too general for it to be kept private. At least now I have a starting post for my newest blog and one to update my current blog! It might be boring to a few, but hey, it is definitely a start for me. Feeling pretty optimistic about this. ;) though I really am apologetic if I do confuse you, my dear readers. =/ but I am sincerely thankful that you are here reading my blogposts. =)

Well. That is it with my first enter for my newest blog, and also an update on my current blog! Dont worry, I doubt I would be doing double entries the next time around. Will be posting as time allows. Toodleloo~ =)

4.03pm, 10th Dec 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

i have always questioned myself. something i would do at almost every given spare moments as life passed on by. me, having an empty thought would probably be something really rare. to say that i am not thinking about anything at all, it would definitely be a lie. as much as i try not to think so much, the chain of thoughts are just never ending. i used to think, it is because i'm a female, for generally, people will say that female brains are constantly thinking while men's are usually empty, and when they meant empty, they really meant empty.

what is there that is in need of such an amount of thinking to do? there doesnt seem like a possible way that a person could actually think 24 hours a day, can it? chances that i may be exaggerating that i am thinking that much, but to me, it doesnt seem impossible. sometimes, the thoughts may be too overwhelming that it pulls me under the wind, and there i go, feeling numb and emotionless, no thanks to the thoughts i had whirling through my mind.

i have a habit, where i choose not to mingle as much with the female human population as compared to the males. for i know that females will start having judgemental thoughts of me, which will then automatically break my safeguard of self confidence in everything i do. true enough, not every individual are the same, thus i have no rights at categorizing genders in that manner. but what if i say, that it is based on my personal experience, and it is what i see that is always happening as events occur? one could also tell me, that it is my problem for being fragile. by countering this, i am who i am, same like everyone else, different, didn't that just bite you back with your initial question?

hah! that was fun. i was in a mode where i was countering myself. i guess words could not further describe the fact that i have too much in my mind that it could even drive me crazy someday. from my point of view, having the fact that i overthink things is pretty much risky. for there are times where overthinking would result with a disastrous effect out of the decision made. similar like the proverb, 'too many cooks will spoil the broth', literally, in my situation, it would meant that there were too many ways and ideas on how to settle a simple problem, would eventually end up producing a whole chunk of mess instead.

it naturally poses a sense of insecurity in me. but i guess that's what makes me slightly different from everyone else. hey, it might as well be somekind of superpower altogether. a silly, but jolly thought that one is. =)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Kim ! I think you should start writing a book , because you have a lot of things to talk and issue about :) hahahah...

this has got to be one heck of an inspirational comment i have ever received. ever. definitely appreciating it to the max.