Saturday, December 10, 2011

Double entry! Bam!
Still am here waiting for my dear mummy to come find me. And I just sneezed. It isnt that hard for a frail and stubborn person like me to fall sick. Mom was yelling at me yesterday, asking me to put on something warmer if I wanted to sit in the living room. But I was stubborn as usual, sat there and focused on my phone for the whole one hour. Surprisingly, I didnt feel that cold. I just sat there in the cold, insisting on wearing somethin warmer. Serves me right, I am now sneezing. Pretty sure I will hit fever soon if I dont take care of myself. *sneeze, sniff* voila. Need anymore proof? I am already sick. Mummy is gonna give me the, 'i told you so' face when she sees me sneeze later. Hahaha! Good job for the stubborn one. ;)

Ah yes. Plus the fact that I didnt get enough sleep prior to my flight here, and also not to forget the harsh weather, the stubborn one really deserves it. But then again, if I had a chance I would want to sue airasia. Fullheartedly. Damn. They made us walk around like lost tourists with a lost tourguide. It was noticed that the staffs had no proper communication with one another. I mean, why would you make a group of approximately 190 people walk so much of a distance to only be told that the flight will be at 9.30 instead of the scheduled 6.30 flight? They even made us sit in a plane, settled down, and then make us walk back down from the plane and walking all the way back to the boarding area. If its the klia distance from a plane to the boarding area, that, is still acceptable. But not this. Shyit! Do you know far do we need to walk at lcct just to get to and from the plane to the boarding area? We could well of walked about three to four times the football field.

Had been a loyal airasia flyer since it first came into business. It just deteriorates as years passed. And it is depressing to know that. Oh yeah. I am complaining. =P and this is probably one of the only good thing I can do when this kind of things happen. Heh. To think if I would still fly airasia, I dont think I would anymore. It gets more frustrating as the years go by. I would only end up complaining even more. Haha! Really. I would. ._.

At least other airlines would serve food, as it is already been paid for, and they have better airatewards/dess. ;D and the customers should be of a different group. Yes. Stereotyping had just taken place. =/ I shall stop here with that biased though of mine.

Anyhoo. Today is Saturday. Honestly saying, I cant wait to get back home to the heat. Hehehe. For I have fallen under the weather. ><
I would really like to sleep right now. Gaah. *sniffsniff*shiver* so yes. Dont underestimate the power of mother nature. And if I had the choice, I would like to sit here in Starbucks for the whole day. Atmosphere is good. Gets my brain working to do some writing. High chances I would not even bother to do anything like this back at home. The writing feeling comes go whenever it likes. Which pretty much sucks.

Alrighty. This visit was to come accompany mummy. But it feels like I have been bothering her more than accompany. =/ will be missing this place though. Might not be coming here again. Macau is like my... Third home. =)

Owh yes. I cut my hair. Here is how the scenario went; mummy asked if wanted to have a haircut, and I said yes. It wasnt until I was done with my haircut that I had no our why I wanted to cut it in the first place. But as of now, I am actually liking my haircut. Its something I have yet to try before. It is a messy do. Mine had always been the straight down slightly bob-ed cut. But the frizz was making it unbearable.maybe th was why I decided to cut it off. Now it is short and bushy and messy. Somewhat like Rene's on one of the antm cycle. ;D

Mummy is here! Continue shopping. ;D

5.03pm, 10th Dec 2011.

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