Wednesday, December 28, 2011


how often do we get this at this modern age? facebook itself had been upgraded to ease stalking to the utmost. and now, stalking seems like a very common thing to do. one can just sit there infront of the computer screen, clicking away, viewing people's profile, what they have been doing, looking at their pictures, browsing through mutual friends list and all. stalking had since been upgraded. eventhough there maybe features where you still can toggle your privacy settings where you can limit certain things that you allow people to view. but given the choice, i guess i would be too lazy to even scroll down and pick the specific option one by one to see who is allowed to view what. nope. it is either it is too private where there is NO POINT having an fb account in the first place of it is too public that there is NO POINT protecting anything in the first place.

see the contradiction? and. we have people who have accept friends for the sake of accepting friends. the 'oh-i-have-more-friends-than-you' kind of people. it does give that tad bit of 'proudness' when you actually have more friends than the others. and well, if you see someone with over a thousand friends, of which is evidently much more than yours, you'll probably go, 'oh, yeah, these people. well, duh!'. (hi! i just proved that humans can be really contradicting. and i like it. heh. then again, it maybe just me.) next, we would look at their picture count. aha! "this person has so much more pictures than me! such a sociable person he/she is!" and then we would look at their walls, scrolling down on what they have been doing.

speaking of number of friends, if only one would stop to scroll through their own friends list, i am pretty sure only about 60% of whom we have actually communicate with, while the others are probably a 'hey! i've seen you aroud and i'm interested in who you are, let me add you!' or probably you only accept cause you didn't want to reject cause it feels somewhat evil. family members as friends? owh. this can be an issue too. some would definitely freak the crap out if their parents would add them on facebook while others would probably find it okay to have family members on facebook. it really depends on the individual. but anyhoo, does the numbers really tell a story? does it not make you wonder why is it that it somehow bothers you a little?

funny how facebook has actually become a routine to almost every single human being who had gotten used to this social website. the first thing a person would do when they turn on their computers or smartphones, i could bet with you, they have a facebook tab somewhere in there. unless this person is a very very very disciplined person who have no clue what facebook is, then maybe. but i believe 98% of the population who have technology knowledge would have facebook somewhere. unless of course, you are from north korea or china, then it would be a pretty fascinating thing that you have one facebook account even. stop right there. even when they don't have facebook, i'm sure they have their own social websites where it functions somewhat like facebook. and again, aside from north korea... yeah. (i am still curious what life is like in north korea. hrmmm)

if it isnt facebook, then it is twitter. or maybe some other social sites like myspace, for the americans? i'm not too sure. am speaking based on the malaysian majority. hey! i remember we were all into friendster back when i was still in primary school and facebook seemed like an adult thing that i didn't even dare to step into. why? because we couldn't decorate facebook and much as we could with friendster. and also because we were too used to friendster than to facebook. but hey, friendster was dying out and facebook was taking over. and now to look back, friendster was definitely something of the past. past worth leaving it as it is. =) and facebook felt more adult-like even with kids around, it still much more adult like.

facebook status, and again, numbers seemed to matter here. we always like to see numbers increasing on the like hits and sometimes on the comments too. it sometimes makes you want to think of something creative to be posted to see some good responses. somewhat like a good place to have open discussion. and when we see other people who constantly have like hits on their pictures while we have none, you'll go a tad bit upset. hehe. okay. maybe not to all of us, but some of us would probably feel. which could then lead to cyber depression. don't be fooled by this term, it does get pretty bad especially when it has to do with mentality. some could actually resort to using social sites to attack without meaning to attack. one could only assume and many a times, it would actually increase the intensity of the initial problem that had occured.

not only that, people were given a chance to be a whole different person throught social sites. people would never know if the other person on the other end were actually having a totally different and what we commonly dub as FAKE personalities. for all we know, our true colours may or may not be showcased in person and be demonstrated best throught social sites. when this happens, it does leave me with several questions. which am i supposed to believe? why is it that it had to take place? somehow, it felt like the social site had allowed people to be whoever they want to be but was unable as a person. it could be very well related to the amount of confidence one has in themselves.

this is a very general post. no clue why am i posting this though. but since it is done. i shall just post it. heh.
thank you for reading. ;D

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