Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello there! I'm the car, on the way to the airport. There had been alot of travelling to and fro from the airport quite recently. Make that for the past six months and also for about one more month or so. Or even maybe up til February. Haha! It all depends really. =)

Airports can be said to have one of the most fodest moments as we normally bid our goodbyes there and also welcome people. Not only that, I do like how the interior of airports are like. Somewhat complicating, but figurable as well. Makes you feel like you are in a maze that requires some thinking before you move to your next destination. Hehe. Airports have massive signboards almost everywhere. From the separation of the arrival and departure halls itself. That would probably confuse some people, as a matter of fact. And since the airports are so huge, young flyers would normally acquire an assistant to bring them to around the airport, to their destination and finally to their guardian or parent.

Not to forget, we get to look at awesome gigantic airplanes! I would dare say, this sight is definitely one sort of highlight for both flyers and non flyers. It isnt everyday that we get to see such ginormous transportation in masses, yes? Though I am curious how the air crew thinks of this. Or even the ground staffs. Hrmmm. Nevertheless. Flights are nice to look forward to... Really? Provided that you have the best services that you paid for. And also the safe flight all the way to your destination. Pricey, but I guess it is worth it since you get to cut down your travelling time by a lot.

Airstewardess. Airsteward. We would normally look at them, expecting them to be tall, lanky and most of all, pretty/handsome. Models on air? Haha! I used to think so. Cause they were normally pretty and handsome. And tall. There used to be requirements of a specific height just to secure a spot as a flight attendant. And also they have got to have no problems with their eyesight. As a matter of fact, has anyone seen a flight attendant with spectacles resting on their noses? Come to think of it, I have yet to see one. But thanks to technology, we now have contact lenses. (somehow it sounds like an advert. Hahaha! Oops.) They have since lowered their height requirements and I do believe contacts are acceptable these days too. =)

Pilots! We normally hear that mysterious musty mushy voice that tries to be joyful every now and then with a slight twitch on the intonations. Unlike the ever lively airstewardesses, you could really differentiate between these two. Often a times, you wont even understand what the pilot is saying even. But it is slightly comforting to hear the pilot's voice, informing you that things are going smoothly as planned. It used to be a biased occupation, where the men would dominate. And when we do know of a female pilot, we wound be stunned. This still happens until this very day, to be honest. Besides, pilots are no joke. They have the lives of the whole plane in their hands. So yes, alot had to be learnt to prevent nasty situations from occuring. Pilot itself is a course now, which is good. They are fully dedicated to learn the complexity of the plane's functions.

As a passenger, we are treated as kings and queens when on board. For if we dont, some of us would resort to threatening the company with a sue or somesort. Considering the amount of money we pay for their services and comfort, we tend to get a little bit selfish in that sense. Flying through the sky, zooming and shaking through clouds, following the sun, things are rather peaceful when we are in the skies. I like my flying moments. I'd always try to get the window seat as often as I can, so I could look out into the dreamy sky and doze off in peace. It used to be me being fascinated at how the wings function during liftoff and landing, but that got boring cause it had always been the same thing. But the sky is much more soothing than that. =)

7.40am, 29th Dec 2011.

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