Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Well, dont I have something to talk about today? =) the adventures I have here in Macau quite recently have been quite an eye opener to things I barely take notice of. Right now at this moment, I am seated at mcD, in Sands Casino, where my mom works at. She is currently working, but I am here. I wonder why myself, but it is good that I am somewhat given the opportunity to see my mom work... literally.

Honestly saying, I dont really know how to use the word 'literally' but it seems to match the sentences I make. High possibilities that I may have misused it many times without realising it, but it flows naturally. Hehe. I do apologise for the confusion, if I did cause any in the first place.

Right, back to my adventures. Today, I went shopping. As a girl, I love shopping. Trying on pretty dresses and clothings, dressing up and dreaming of wearing those pretty stuff. But there is always one factor that stops me short from purchasing them; the price. I mean, if it is reasonable, I'm pretty sure I, or any other girls out there would think twice before purchasing them. But really, what is the 'reasonable' price that we are looking for?

When we shop, there are other factors that play almost as important roles as the price, we would see if we actually do need it, or how worthy the price is, or how worthy the material is, or how fashionable it could be. Some might elapse into shopping fit; buying expensive things because they are in a bad mood or they just felt like shopping. Many a times, these people will fell much better after spending some money. We can say it is some method of self pampering. It works wonders, really.

Some would spend money on others. A certain portion would say that they are the generous bunch, some would also say that they are trying to buy people off. Some would find it difficult to spend on oneself than on others while there are those who are the complete opposite too. It depends on the individual, really. We cant really judge people in that manner can we? In fact, if one does start judging, there are tons of other aspects worth judging altogether.

Hold it. If you are trying to say that i, myself am doing the judging, which also means I have no rights in saying so myself, true. You have a point. But we all are humans, pretty much generalising everything else. After all, I am only merely stating my honest opinions.

Tracing back to my day, I had become my mother'd barbie doll today. She took me to this shop and started shoving me dresses to try. Each of these dresses costs about a thousand hkd/mop. Am sure I tried on about 5 to 6 dresses and mummy picked and purchased 2. Which totaled up to 2k plus. Got a free gift, a teddy bear.

I am not the kind who likes it when a lot of money is involved when purchasing, for I feel like these money could well off be used for other things. Deep down, I do have that feeling of spending that much too, but that would be after a long period of consideration. People would tell me it is too expensive and I would just drop that thought with a heavy heart. A matter with my laptop. It is a necessity, but I went on searching and eventually landed myself with a reasonable priced laptop. Not so much with my phone however. Even named my phone, 'G' to remind me of the guilt I had when I purchased the phone. It wasnt too long ago that I spotted this phone of mine with a much lower price. So yeah. Money wasted right there.

As for dresses. I find them a waste of money too. I am a huge fan of dresses. Loved how dresses compliments my body and makes me look and feel slightly different. But the difference is the cause that those dresses cant be worn repeatedly. More like a one time use matter. And these dresses are always expensive. =( beauty definitely has its price. If you are wondering, 'why not wear it again?', good question, I do not understand what it is that is stopping us from wearing it again. Unless it is a whole different clique of friends, it is possible, but if its the same, chances are... we would still opt to get something new. By we, I meant us, girls. Maybe its cause we were used to seeing everyone wearing something new, everytime there is a formal event or somesort. After all, it isnt everytime that we dress up like that. Or do we?

As a girl, I should be overjoyed that mummy is willing to spend so much on me. But as her daughter, I feel slightly upset, for she had spent those money on me instead of other better things. Yes, I am silly for thinking so, I know. But I guess I was brought up in a way where spending money felt like a forbidden thing to do, yet a must. Haha! I could've told my mummy not to buy for me, but that glowing face of hers when I tried on the dresses, made me speechless. It then hit me, I have never shopped for dresses with my mummy ever before. Ever. I couldnt say no.

10.10pm, 12th Dec 2011.

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