Sunday, December 25, 2011

as the year is coming to an end, i can't help but to look back at what i had this whole year. and the only best way to end this year would be a good atar for my wace examination. and if that one is perfect, then the year will probably end as perfect as it had begin with.

this will be a weird post. i have definitely lost my writing touch, i apologise for that beforehand. =/

well, i may be one of the last few of those who have packed their notes to be sent for recycling or for passing down to the juniors. i knew i had to do it somehow, but i chose to delay it as far later as possible. but it was getting more and more unbearable to look at the stack of notes and books sitting there, looking at me every moment i come into this room where i slumber in. it just stood there, collecting dust. it brings me some memories. it certainly does.

for one, i would remember walking towards this shelf, picking out the books and notes that i might need for my day in college. i leave my labcoat in the bookshelf too. just in case i leave it out of sight, which will then cause me to not be allowed to do lab stuff if i had unfortunately forgotten to bring it on lab day. which i did. once. and i was panicking, running around the whole campus trying to find one where i can borrow. or did i? but yeah. i only remembered that i had not bring it once. and then we have a few of them who borrowed my labcoat a few times. haha. well, i could actually sell it to my juniors if i want to, but i don't think i will. i'd like to keep it. for memories sake. =)

and so i was packing those notes i had. came across so many notes that brought different memories to me. this is practically insane that even for such small matter, so much memories were collected in it. biology. mr. varun. one of the three epic male lecturers we had. one of the most joyful person whom we'd always look forward to during the day. only thing was that when he gives us a heads up that we were going to do tons of work the next day, we would feel dreaded to go class, but we still ended up in class. because we know he would crack up something that would get our attention on. he prepared us well, cause he was preparing to leave us halfway through the course. bravo mr. V, you got tons of us complaining a hell lot about the next lecturer who was taking over your spot. sure thing she was interesting at first, with her BERSIH activities and all. but that was that. she was all about her bersih and her american experiences and that was all. and then we had our assignments. we were really praying hard that she would be generous with her markings and all. because when we had mr. V, we could just approach him and he would patiently guide us through each and every step, kindly checking our work, making sure we are doing it properly, finding ways that he would not penalise us in anyway possible. that was not the case with miss rekka. it was a total opposite. we even have students skipping her classes whenever we could. it was different. we didn't like the change. at. all. bio classes were the best. we even got to watch movies. and i really meant movies. =)

though i was suffering with other four subjects, to be honest. chem was never my strongest. and my strongest was nowhere above breathing level, english. and whatmore, maths. psycho was alright, as i have never learned it before, but yeah. it was only OKAY.

hehe. nostalgic year. too much to say. i shall just continue spamming. ;D

i remember i was doing oh so poorly with my stochio that it got miss diana concerned. never in my right mind that i thought lecturers would actually care. so it shocked me. and so i took the initiative to try harder. and well. she borrowed me her book and i went to photostat it. laziness was the world. but i did manage to get myself working on my chem right when ee2 was about the corner. the same thing i did for psycho as well. the fact that the lecturers actually did notice the improvement in the students, got me wanting to work harder. =) chem class was awesome. though it was the last class of our time slots, we would normally feel really tired by the time we enter chem classes. but what kept us alive and awake would be the really lame people we have in our classes. some chatterboxes and some boomboxes here and there were probably the best medicine to the tiresome day.

psycho class. i had this same group of people whom i sit with EVERY CLASS WITHOUT FAIL. =D except for the fact that this one guys always decides to come on and off from time to time... make that two. one just disappeared completely after one period of time. at least there were still two around. =) beginning of the year we had a different lecturer. miss zurina. boy how we all tried to like her. =/ i am being honest. i apologise. and then miss jane came in. we finally got a hang of psychology. heh. and miss jane is really adorable. our first impression of her was that she was strict and scary as hell. but i guess it worked well so that we would actually listen to her. but as the year passed on, we got to learn that her angry face was only a mask. we would still end up seeing her smile by the end of the class somehow or rather. she is awesome in everyway. adorably funny. "slap you up down left right, north south eash west." her famous phrase. and if we say something irrelevant, "i *insert irrelevent word here* you ah!". she tries her best to make sure that we all score too. =)

math class. heh. my most dreaded class. no offence. but yeah. i switched classes cause i wanted to have a longer break before my chemistry class. and so i wasn't really attached to my own class. =/ but yeah. when we are in math class, all we do was work work and work. i was even too scared to ask anyone how to do certain questions cause i felt like i was the dumbest there. not much of a fond memory of math class. =/ buti had good companions here. kudos to that. ;D

and lastly, EALD with miss Julia! best memory? got picked for the extra classes for weak students. yeah. i was furious. i mean, i didn't expect my english to be that bad that i actully need to go for extra classes. but hey! thank goodness i got to go. i sucked at synthesis and my writing needed some improvement anyways. so yes, it was a good thing that i was chosen. and i tried to be diligent and went for almost all of her extra classes. but there were times that the classes were cancelled. =/ so it gave me an idea to stay back in college to do some self studying. one good thing that lead to another. how awesome is that? and well. things turned out well.

for whatever it is worth, things had fallen into place and i can only hope that i had made the best out of it all. for i did not want to regret a single thing i do. there may be some times where i did complain that i regret what i do, but as of now, i prefer not to have any regrets, because to me, regrets are what that pulls a person back from advancing forward, and losing the whole point of enjoying life in the first place. it was my turn to take control of my life, college was a stepping stone for me to take lead of my own life. and thank goodness that i had chosen to not regret what i do. for i know regrets have been holding me back for far too long. college will definitely be something worth remembering.
p.s; i even have a favourite toilet that i go to. HAHA! oops. secret revealed. =P
and i also have a favourite food from the cafeteria, and also favourite hangout spot in the library. that is where i found my niches.

look ahead, uni is coming up. all these will have to be rearranged and we all would have to start from square one all over again. but nope, we have experiences now, we would know whom to hang out with, and we would know what makes us feel better when times are rough, and we would know what to do when situation turns cloudy upon us.

i learned to treasure my belongings.
i learned that shopping is quite fun.
but i still restrict myself, mind you.
i only spent on food. like nobody's business. like the world is ending tomorrow.
hey, shouldn't we all be living like that? living like the world is ending tomorrow. aha! naise.
but that's too much. so what if you do live tomorrow and you don't have anymore money to even buy food... please don't. and save some for the rainy season. =)

i had stopped my bookshelf clearance just to post this. i just felt like posting something. keeping memories like the times i had them in my mind before i forget them. somewhat like a time machine. i like. =)

thanks for wasting your time reading this piece of junk. sharing what i thought meaningful to me, hoping to bring some memories back to you guys too. it's almost the end of 2011. reminiscing through would be nice. especially with all those good moments passed. allows you to stop to think, life was good. and you, keeping up with the good spirit in having a better life ahead! yeah. ;D

please don't ever think that your life sucks, for all you know, others out there may have worse experiences worth of the phrase, "f*** my life". just don't be so harsh on yourself. life is worth living. everyday you wake up, it's a whole new day. and you, should be blessed that you are still breathing. for what it's worth, do whatever you want to do before it is too late. HOLD IT. it is never too late for anything. never. =)

here is to the awesome year we all had this year.
and here, is the the awesome year ahead that we all will have!
*imaginary toast of some champagne*

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