Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Here ye here ye
I have math exam in about 6hours time from now. Boy. I am definitely not getting enough sleep, not until chemistry is done with. Chem and math are my most feared subject if the 5 subjects I have taken in ausmat. Though I am still wondering, why did I take the harder math when I could actually taken the easier one. And honestly saying, thank goodness I took this math. Math had always been my weakest subject of all the subjects I took, high school and even now. Since the math that I took is the harder one, it makes me a little comforted that its alright for me to be doing badly. Hehe. And I could also imagine myself being really helpless if I had taken the easier math. Simply because my level of understanding of math is just nonexistent. If I had taken the easier math, I would have thrashed myself to a much higher level than I am now. For I have the chance where I can say, "maths CD, its the harder math compared to yours." in a probable arrogant yet frustrated manner that we could not solve our questions when we could actually help them out with theirs.

I, have no connection with math whatsoever. But because I didnt lol the fact that I was constantly doing bad for math, I made sure I learnt properly. And in my language of math, only I understand what I understand, cause I am in a league where I have no rights to stand next to these people at all.

We see the AB students in general, asking CD students for help with their questions. Since my math was that bad, I never bothered trying to see how it was like doing AB questions. So one day, some random ausmat student came up to me, "are you from ausmat? Can you help us with this math question?", "erh, I take CD though?", "its okay! Its AB question, it is very easy."
Immediately I was wondering, 'oh, if I cant get this right, I'll be embarrassing myself', and I saw that they really seemed confused with their question, I decided to help.

Lo and behold. The questions had answers given within the question already, only left was some analysing. It got me going, 'what? That is it? Crap!' . But then again, I have no rights in criticising in such manner, I take it back. =X
I was really suffering with my math then. Courage to even take up a math question without assistant would be near impossible. =/

My eyes are killing me.

It is also actually harder for them to score because their subject is a pulled down subject, just like my bio. It is supposed early, that their scales for scoring is that high. Thus, makes it much harder for them to score. =/

Fingers crossed, this would be my last math examination that I'll ever have to take. =X

S.o @ 3.13an, 8th Nov 2011.

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