Sunday, November 27, 2011

So! I stepped my foot into a club for the very first time after 18 years alive. May be deemed as a hypocrite to a few of you, for I had been going on and on about "why the hell are you going to a club" with the very disgusted facial expression of mine. Best part, people whom I thought would never do clubbing were in fact clubbing. Definitely got me curious on what the buzz about clubbing is like. And I figured that this bunch of people would be safest to go with because they are the experienced and sensible ones. One of them even said it was a must for me to go, by the end of this year.

Voila! With that fear I had about going into a club immediately evaporated once I was in there. It wasnt close to what I expected it to be. Haha! Thank you mainstream television shows and movies for the exposure. It was just... normal. People were all just standing there, moving a little to the rhythm. But it turns out that the 'party' had not started. So I guess everybody was just waiting for the 'party' to start. But then again, that stereotypical mind of mine gave me the thought that malaysians are like that. They wait, for the others to start before they participate.

So, clubbing is just dancing and not much of drinking? Turns out there are a few types. Not sure which is which, bet I wont want to go near the drinking ones. Lets talk about dancing, shall we? =) As soon as the 'party' started, some girl in a short white tube dress stepped onto the highest point of the stage and danced, looking like a whore. It looks like she is dancing like a whore, but if you don't stereotype like me, you would be able to see that she is actually releasing herself and enjoying herself. She was totally absorbed into her dancing that it made her look like a whore. I called her a whore cause I could see her underpants. And when we see that happening to Korean artists, we blame it on the company for doing a bad management on the dressing that makes the artists look like whores.

A friend of mine told me, if you can dance, you can actually chase her off that stage point. Heh. Didnt do that. Standing on the stage itself makes me abit intimidated already. For me, standing on the top it's for the good dancers, or for people who are just too high about themselves. Most of them who went up there, are of the second category. One would be that girl in the white dress, and another one, this girl, had long straight hair, wearing a black tube, quite flair, and she was on the top stage. What annoys me is that she was that she is of the second category, and was so occupied with her phone. Imagine watching a girl, dancing like she is drunk and stops to text on her phone for a few seconds before resuming her drunk dance. It. Is. Annoying.

But it bemused me that people could actually do things like that. Just breaking loose of their inner constrict, enjoying and relaxing themselves. Honestly, letting go like that isnt an easy thing for me to do. Thus, in a way, I do respect these people. These are things that we cant do in our daily routine. You cant expect to see a person randomly dancing like a crazy person in the middle of nowhere, right? So yes, this is the one appropriate place where people are given the chance to let loose. Provided that the intentions are good, I dont see how clubbing can be a bad thing. It still depends on the individual. And one has to be completely aware of one's own behaviour. Eventhough one lets loose, consciousness should never be pushed aside, for it is the only thing we can depend on to protect ourselves from any possible hazards.

I had that doubt, about going clubbing or even drinking. For the moment you are exposed to such, it shows that you, are growing up. It is the moment where you, officially gain trust from your parents (provided if you do inform them that you are actually going), you learn to make smart decisions on your own, for each option you choose then and there, will bring you instant change. Change that would probably cost you your future. Haha! Yeap. It really does.

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