Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I am at a real cheer practise! Omg.
It has been years since I wanted to get my ass to one of these cheer practises. Well. The only problem I had back then was the fact that I had to travel long distances just to go for one cheer practise. Not only that, they only have these trainings during night time. It would really be difficult for me to go out, only reaching home when its dark. Especially when I'm a girl, who travels alone most of the time.

Pretty upsetting that it took me so long to finally come here. It is definitely a proper training for cheerleading. But now that I get to experience it, it is definitely rewarding. Despite me having really little knowledge about cheer, they seem to be determined to teach you what you needed to know about cheer. It definitely doesnt feel like how I felt like back when I was 13. Back then, if they feel frustrated, they just couldnt care about you, here, you just learn. They were that determined that you feel inspired to actually improve yourself.

I finally sweated properly this year. The last time I sweated was the time where I pushed myself to do some mountain hiking. That resulted with me having a minor headache. Today. Was pretty much hardcore. Slightly giddy, but I enjoyed every moment of it. I am learning to be a cheerleader again. Blissful peace I have in me, where it can be carried and implanted in my mind, forever.

Owh wait. But my aunt is worried about my backbone. I still have scoliosis. And that, might affect with the things I do in cheer, for I cant push myself too much, otherwise it'll ache.

Ahh. I'm getting my head all over cheer now. Funny thing is that they dont know us, we just left like we were invisible or some sort, cause everybody were busy doing their own things. This, is what pure training is like, I guess. And of course it takes time to blend in with the rest. For they would have that thought, 'oh, maybe they are just here for fun, they are not serious about it' and such. I do understand why they are feeling so. Well, change would be difficult. I do feel slightly bad for just popping in out of nowhere, and getting first class treatment from the captain. He was doing his job really well, just like how a captain should be like.

I have a dream where I could get my own cheer outfit, with the name Rebels on it, proudly performing alongside these people. Yeap. Dream. Goodness knows where the future will bring me. Fingers crossed, if I do get the chance to study un Australia, they would have a cheer squad in that uni. =O

Haha! I'm going too far in this. Though I have some obstacles to ram over, if I do want to fulfill that longful dream of mine. First, would be my aunt. Next, my back. Third, distance. The 'getting to know them' part can come later, when I can prove myself to be loyal and to be as determined, to be one of them. =)

Today, I am a happy girl. =)

S.o @ 10.53pm, 9th Nov 2011

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