Saturday, July 23, 2011

22nd july, 1.57pm

"Bird's nest for lunch. My mom and her bf got drunk. Thank goodness i'm leaving this place already. Cigarette odour all over my body at every single meal. Plus the meals are all in 'special rooms', the air is practically trapped in. Even my hair stinks. Sigh. Thank goodness this is over. It's sad for my mom though. =/ But she's drunk now. I'm pretty sure i can take care of her. =) Hrm. This trip was definitely an eye opening experience. It got me dumbstruck at almost everything. I find it hard to understand what they're actually saying cos of their deep accent, but i could catch their conversation with today's batch of 'high people', maybe cos they were giving me and my mom more attention. Haha. Bizarre."

oh yes. that boss of my mom's bf, is like some tycoon here in this area.
so apparently, we are her guests, so she MUST entertain us.
day 1, she brought us for that dinner at that mountain side restaurant where i burnt my tongue.
day 2, she hired her driver to drive us up this holy mountain where EVERYONE ELSE has to walk up. it is a super long way up the mountain, it was steep as well. oh my tien. i dont know how those ppl can actually walk up there. =/ bizarre.
and only certain cars can drive up this mountain, cos the roads were small and could fit exactly two cars side by side, with VERY LITTLE SPACE to spare between the two cars. but there are busses from 3 different points, going up the mountain.
i guess, if it wasnt for this kind lady, my mom and i wouldn't even make it up this mountain. and this mountain is the only thing to "visit" here. it is said that wishes made here will come true, for sure. ha! we shall see. =)
this kind lady also hired a tour guide for us. o.o
tien ah. i no vip, why you so nice to me? =/
she even asked her brother to bring us out for dinner because she wasnt free that night to 'entertain' us. eventhough it wasnt necessary. but you know when you are talking with a BIG SHOT, you can't say now. hurh.
day 3. bird's nest. shit. =/

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