Monday, July 18, 2011

today i have firsts

first time SEEing a vault,
first time entering a casino,
first time shopping until i drop,
first time being frozen until i couldnt feel my fingers and face.

the vault was just so cool.
i never knew these things actually do exist and can be used by ordinary ppl.
yeah. been living under a rock. o.o

and the casino was just bizarre.
somehow i was that scared that i just grabbed my mom's arm pretty tightly.
and surprisingly, there were soooooo many "games" to play in here.
i even spotted one with the name "CRAPS".
yeah. that got me thinking for awhile.
in a way, i got to see and understand what my mom is doing better.
good experience.
though i do question, how can so many casinos survive competing against one another when there are like casinos at almost every corner of macau.

i shopped.
i have never in my 18 years alive shopped this much for myself before.
i only remember walking with my sister, helping her carrying bags and maybe getting a thing or two along.
but this time around, it's ME doing the shopping and my mom getting a thing or two along.
i have this very guilty feeling.
please. i do not wish to built any sense of jealousy nor do i want to show off, i'm just stating my thoughts.
i bought some clothes from zara.
they're quite expensive in my opinion, but it was on sale, i took some pieces.
complained that it was still pricey the WHOLE DAY, but my mom kept telling me, "if you think like that, you will never be able to shop for anything already."
fair enough, i shopped.
and for the first time ever, i bought an original expensive bag; coach.
it had discount from 3700 to 1850 mop. (mop is the currency for macau. ppl here can use hkd to shop as well. just that some shops will not do converting, and will lose money cos hkd to mop has .3 difference. i think.)
to me, eventhough it is discounted, i still find it expensive and unreasonable to purchase.
but it also came to my thought, if i do buy this, then it should last for some very long time, then i would not need to shop again.
*to think again, it doesnt make sense.*
let's just take it that temptation got the best of me.
also, i got myself anna sui's forbidden affair perfume.
why did i buy this? i have no idea.
i have two other perfumes at home that i am not done using. now it seems like i'm collecting perfumes. D=
bought a pair of high heels. and to think of it, i have no idea why i bought them either.
i'm already tall enough, and i wont be able to wear them if i have to walk beside somebody.
and these are considered killer heels. but it's actually wedges. it's also heels. erh. yeah. =P
thank goodness my feet stopped growing, so i can actually keep them for...years?
haiya, i don't know.
i only know that i'm feeling guilty for spending so much today.
and i also know that i will be shopping alone tomorrow.
since mummy wont be with me this time, i should be able to control my spending.
i need to buy dresses and albums.
my initial plan to get a nike sports shoe failed.
cos i cant find a proper purple pair of shoes that is pretty. =(
will see how things go tomorrow.
i hope i don't get lost. HAHA

and the people here have very weird english names.
like that lady who attended to my mom and i in the shoe shop today, her name was MONEY.
oh. and i walked pass a GUY with a name tag that spells, KAROL.
my mom's facebook account has some of these weird names as well, AMOEBA, DECO.
ah. such awesome names.
it. is. not. cool. at. all.
i just realised this is a little offensive, my apologies.
but i still wonder what is with the names? =/
and it's not easy to SPOT a local here in Macau.
they're mainly foreigners here.
like duh. to run a casino, it requires tremendous amount of man power.
from dealing to handling to whatever crap job that is available.
then there is the hotel management, and then the shuttle bus service.
shopping malls as well.
oh. and of course, the tourists.
poor them. especially those who cannot speak the local language, they are in pretty big trouble.
i was shoppping with english, they couldnt understand what i was saying. =(
and everything here is in CHINESE. signboards and menus.
they have translation, IN PORTUGESE!
yeap. without my mom, i have no idea how i can go around in this area alone.

ah yes. frozen.
we were literally walking in a freezer.
kinda lazy to describe what it is, but it's an ice sculpture expo or some sort.
so in order to refrain the sculpture from melting, that whole area was made into a freezer.
-15 degree celcius.
it is actually worst than the time i was in beijing.
at least then, i still could feel my fingers.
but here? after about ten minutes in there, i couldnt feel my face and fingers at all.
still nice.

i cannot imagine anyone reading such a long winded post.
we shall see the response when i post this up on facebook.
thank you, patient reader.
i heartfully appreaciate your patience in reading this. =)

i smile.

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