Sunday, July 17, 2011

day 1?

almost. more like less than a half day actually.
ah well.

HAHAH. it took me forever to pack the night before i left.
i pretty much didnt know what to pack. heheheheh
and then today i woke up with a bad mood.
for some unknown reason, but i was just in a bad mood.
my flight was at 12.15pm, which means i had to leave home at about 9am.
thank goodness for the online check-in. i didnt have to wait and queue along with everybody else.
there is a reason why i didnt want to queue with people.
it's cos i know i am heading for macau where chinese populates.
and i know it's their norm to rush and push around in a line, eventhough evidently, it doenst make much difference. *facepalm*
ah yes. then i went into the boarding area early cos i didnt want my auntie and uncle to stone with me. which was at around 11am.
which also meant i had to wait for an hour still.
thanks to my pink phone being stolen, i had no entertainment with me at all.
could easily die of boredom. -.-
so i patiently waited only to know that the flight is being delayed half an hour.
continue waiting. and stoning.
oh. just when i was telling someone about how rowdy these ppl are, a man was sitting in front of me, SHAVING.
oh. and then we boarded at 12.45pm.
and so, the rowdiness overwhelms.
they just PUSH their way through as though they will not get into the plane if they didnt.
and they are elder than me, so i pretty much didnt dare to scold back since i was alone.
but at one point i was so frustrated, i just said "excuse me." and this chinese auntie stopped short, look at me, and then let me go.
if i didnt get to go through that, i dont think i'll ever get to get up the plane until everybody is up.
just when i thought it would be over, i got into the plane only to find a chinese man sitting at MY place.
tien ah.
but of cos i shoo-ed him away.

then. the flight was delayed again. only took off at 1pm.

3.45 hours flight.
slept the whole journey.

i manage to get down from the plane early.
which meant i didnt have to line up with those chinese ppl.
waits for luggage
grabs luggage
one guys stops in front of me, flashes his police tag
*who is this guy? what is he trying to say? what is he showing me?*
"police, we need to check your luggage."
*heh? what did i do? owh well. not that i did anything wrong.*
-walks towards a room.-
-female police checks my bag-
"what are you doing here in macau?"
"why do you have psycho book?"
"i need to study?"
"who else is here?"
"my mother?"

yeah. i ended up from first to last to leave the blardy terminal.
i even asked the two police, why are they checking my bag.
kinda dumb for asking, but i was curious, and i have the rigths to ask that, don't i?
owh well. it was interesting.
i was wondering how to react if they really do find something illegal in my luggage.
still wondering why is it ME that they suspect. =(


oho~ first thing i did when i arrived macau, EAT.
bird's nest egg tart.
awesome shit.

then i did some shopping.

my mom is spoiling me like mad.
she doenst even let me think and just buys.
not good. =/

and thennnn. BUFFET DINNER!!!!!

now. what am i going to do tomorrow?
shop where? =O
then what about tuesday and wednesday?

everything happens for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. wah~ you so enjoy over there heheh

    they prob stopped you because you're a teenager travelling alone :S
