Friday, July 1, 2011

here i am singing If I Die Young by The Band Perry.
i have no idea why,
and it's in the middle of the night right now.
if i'm singing horribly, i'd probably bring nightmares to those who can actually hear me. =O
i have no idea how that links, but i do believe it does. hehe

hah. i've got a speech to write tomorrow.
i dont think i'm prepared. =/

this blog is still unpublicised. only a few know of this blog, wait. maybe nobody at all. haha. yeah. i guess publicising wouldnt make much of a difference anyways?
i dont know. i'm still contemplating if i should or i should not.
all that i know now is that it's already 4am.
and i'm not feeling sleepy at all.

ah yes. today was a feat.
it was as though i have not eaten for a very long period of time
and today i could just go on and on eating.
i believe i could go on eating if there happen to be food that i like eating placed before me.
i'd defintely tackle those nomnom-licious food if i didnt have to go for class or needing to buy any food or needing to move anywhere at all.
surely there is a reason behind the sudden appetite, no?
owh well, i've been pretty much starving myself since i started college anyways.
it was either out of laziness, or i had no cash at that moment or the food was just that unappetizing.
yeah. i still need to eat though.
but i appreciate food more now i guess?
i take that previous sentence back. =X
i know i'll just melt at the taste of good food now. =F
owh right, in fact, i'm hungry right at this moment! =O
no good, no good.

anyhow. thank goodness i did not go on describing the food i want to eat.
maybe i should be describing on how this hunger right now feels like!

i shall go back to sleep now.

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