Tuesday, July 12, 2011


a bunch of grapes.
you pluck, and pop one into your mouth.
process repeats.

and i wonder why they are that addicting.
it's similar to choco baby.
they're TINY, and you wont realise you've eaten SO much until YOU look at the container, looking how little is left.
even so, you'll still open the container and continue popping them into your mouth until they're gone.
all. gone.

i like how things come like that.
small, but in a big bundle.
but this only applies to FOOD.
you can just go on and on eating until they disappear.
i think it's cos it's tiny, and that you cant feel yourself getting stuffed due to it's size.

and also, as much as i like longan,
i'll still get bored of it.
simply because i need to PEEL before putting it into my mouth.
and then there's a seed in the middle of it.
yeah. grapes in this case is better for a lazy person like me. =D

they're yummy, but they're HUGE.
and i have to bite into it hard enough to break it. =O
doenst work for a lazy bum either.

and i will only eat durian if i know for sure i will not be meeting any living soul for at least two days.
the smell just stays for like ever.

i think i just tackled some fruits.....

*runs to grab them*

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