Wednesday, August 31, 2011


a medical condition where a spine is crooked laterally.
when x-rayed, the scans show the spine in an S or C shaped instead of the usual | line.
as freaky as it sounds, it is actually a very common condition within the human race.

i, have scoliosis.

it was noticed by my auntie back in 2006, when i was form 1.
she was wondering how come my spine looked slightly crooked from the ordinary straight spine.
and since my bro had complicants with his back, i guess it was natural for her to spot my spine.
and the skinny me, was a plus point for her to spot it.
so yes. she started 'massaging' my back and was then convinced that i had a spine problem
we then went to a doctor at sunway medical centre.
went for x-ray and true enough, i have a crooked spine.

i was then given a cast to wear.
it is called 'brace'. or some sort.
i was about to curse at the account of that brace, but yes. i should not.
anyway, this awesome fawsome cast was hard and hot.
i can't really describe to you how it is.
but it is ment to push my spine back to it's original place.

well of course, i was still a kid then,
and it was so uncomfortable,
i couldn't be bothered wearing it 24-7.

i'd like to think that i am mutated.
but sad fact is that millions of others would also be mutated, in this case. =/

i have always been lazy with the way i seat and stand.
my sis and aunt would be whacking my scapula whenever they see me hunching while i walk.
that, was when i was much younger.
and then i have my aunt who is always screaming at me for sitting retardedly, especially when i'm at the desktop.
MAYBE, that is the reason why i have scoliosis.
or perhaps, i was born with it.

whichever it is, it definitely has an effect on my lifestyle.
wearing heels,
sleeping long hours,
sitting down for long hours,
sitting on a chair without back support,
lying down for long hours,
standing for long hours,
carrying heavy loads,
doing bridges and scorpion crap without stretching before hand,
extensive dancing,
all those, i can't do.
in an event that i do have to do that, my lower back will start to ache.
in severe cases, it would be most comforting if i just lie down on my bed, not moving a muscle at all.

but i guess i am lucky, cause i have yet to reach such severity.
i've experience looking at how severe cases would turn out like.
my bro. he had this back pain once, that he could not get out of bed, at all. pretty much like he couldn't move at all.

haha! i bruised my back once.
while i was practising my high jump back in high school.
back in... 2009!
yeap. i was jumping all wrongly and i kept landing on the same spot, with the bar, directly on my spine.
i can't realy recall how bad it was, but i know it left me with a stretch scar.
i'm guessing the bruise to be really bad that my skin had to expand in that way until it left a stretch mark. =/
but i remember that i couldn't sleep on my back at all.
and i'm pretty sure that developed into my current sleeping posture of having my face planted onto the pillow instead of my head.

despite knowing the capability of my back, i still do those crap.
dumb much, but yeap.
if i don't, i'm pretty much lifeless. =/

as the years passed through 2006 up until 2010,
i, did not do anything about my spine.
eventhough i had that brace with me, i soon grew out of it.
and knowing if i go back to the doctor to get another brace done, few thousands would just disappear into thin air.
i was still able to walk, i wasn't suffering, i decided not to care.

then last year, my aunt came across this advertisement on the newspaper,
it was mentioning Spinal Inc and how it specialises on Scoliosis and other spine conditions.
my aunt asked me to go. and i thought,
"owh well, let's just see what can be done, besides, it has been years since i last bothered about my spine."
went there and had an x-ray done, my degree of curvature has in fact, increased.
(people who have gotten dangerous curves, were to undergo a major surgery to implant a metal rod or two to keep the spine straight)
and so, the reason why i am occupied with physio now.

i am one of the lucky ones whereby it doesn't cause complicants to any organs, or any other parts of my body.
the fact that the curvature wasn't a high risk one, caused me to pretty much neglect it's severity.
but then again, it could actually get worse as i age,
and the pain should gradually increase with it.

even at this age, i am already having back pains, i seriously cannot imagine if i can handle the pain as i age. =X

diligently doing my physio as of now.

it is so important, that it affects everything else.
one, should take good care of it.
for we humans, have only one spine, and one life.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

as hard as we try to move forward,
as tempting as it is, to never look back,
the past always comes back to bite us in the ass.

and as history shows us again and again,
those who forget the past, are doomed to repeat it.
i strive to be a better person.

along the way, i fail.
at almost everything i do, i fail.
it throws me into this empty corner, thinking through what i have done.
like what we see on the tv screens when primary going school kids does something teachers consider 'naughty', they are then sent to one corner of the classroom where they sit to ponder on what they have done. if i'm not mistaken, they called this the corner of shame?
but hey. i do believe it works. neheh.

humans are not perfect.
we, in fact, will never be.
we can be considered as 'good' or 'expert' at something, but we can never be perfect.
'perfect' is a more like a self-proclaimed status.
'perfect' means there is no room for improvement.
'perfect' means you are at the ultimate peak of whatever you claim to be 'perfect' at.
'perfect' means you're an ass.
one brainless one indeed.

things in life are ever-changing.
you change to adjust to the current situation.
you can't predict what happens next. you can guess, but you won't know for sure, until it happens.
after drastic changes being made, you stop, realising how far you are from who you were, you start wondering...
what have you missed.
missed in the sense where you 'left' the past behind.
thinking back,
how much you could've done,
what you should've done,
how it would change the current situation if you had done that.
regrets with actions you could've taken.
regrets with actions you have done.

but then again, the past belongs where it belongs, the past.
there is no such thing as time travelling.
there isn't a point regretting about the past either.
we live our lives for the present.
the past is a remembrance on how we should decide on the present given situations,
where we hope, we would not regret this decision, like the past decisions made.

the past will definitely haunt us as we live on,
the past holds us down, keeping us 'grounded',
the past reminds us, that we are not perfect,
the past guides us to the future,
the past, is the past.

as much as i will fail,
i will learn to stand up on my own two feet,
and brave the world once again.
over, and over, and over, and over again.
one single brick that is needed to build a skyscraper of identity, of a single individual.


or at least it builds, multiplys and conquers the cells of a single body to function in a particular way whereby it dominates a person's personality.

*i have no idea what i just said. but it sounds nice.*

bleah. i shall see what i can do with this post. i shall leave it as it is as of now. =)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

a treasure hunt.
clues hidden at random places,
riddles needed to be solved before you can move on,
even the slightest detail along the whole journey would actually be your answer that could lead you to the treasure.

life depicted in an unnoticable form.

i'd always put life in a way
where i would call it a bitch.
simply because, the moment i figure something out about life,
it slaps me, up down left right, north south east west.

bits and pieces of life lies within almost everything we can see or touch.
true enough some of you will disagree with what i say,
but it really depends on what you see and understand about life.
like i said.
it bitch slaps you as soon as you THINK you figure something out.
with that palmful of realisation it gives, you'll soon discover another fact about life.

we play the game, the sims.
where we play god and control everything this sim does.
we create a sim, choose it's appearance, pick it's personality.
then we run their life.
as plain as it is, many of us would end up figuring different ways, killing this sim of ours.
trust me, this is the best part of the whole game.
in a way that i see it, we do this out of curiosity.
we, ourselves would not want to end our own lives, thus we substitute with this, pretty much brainless sim, to see what would happen.
often a times, we enjoy watching our sim suffer.
nope, we don't feel bad for their death, we go into an amusement mode instead.
then we start all over again, just to kill them again.
or maybe it's just me being sadistic, my apologies.

hopping back to those life pieces scattered all over,
here, you play an important role in determining how much you would want to know about life.
you have the choice to pick up these scattered pieces, or choose to ignore them.
if you do pick them up, you have to be prepare to brace the impact each of these pieces come in hand with.

here is an example of a piece that you can pick up on.
i'm here in my room right now, so i'll just pick the standing fan as the example.
now it may seem like there isnt anything that could possibly be related to life.
but yeah.
i'll bring you into my world for a moment. =)

this standing fan has been in this room ever since i moved into this house.
not until this year, it would normally be my auntie who does the cleaning.
but she couldn't be bothered to clean it now, cause i am considered old enough to clean it on my own.
to her, it was time for me to learn to take care of my own room, myself.
the last time i cleaned my room, was december, right before the start of my life as a college student.
then january came, i was considered pretty responsible as i continued to clean my room and all.
but as the months passed, i got lazier. ignored how 'dirty' my room was.
as all i needed, was to come home and get a good sleep, and then proceed to another day in college.
the fan stands there, patiently, functioning every hour i sit here in this room.
it wasn't until last week when i got home, realised how much i had neglected the cleanliness of my own room.
then i had a look at this faithful fan of mine, all dusty and musty.
yeap. i then took the initiative to clean it.
now i feel much better.
how is this related to life?
you can say i'm delusional.
i do believe i am from time to time.
but it is my way of appreciating things.
for instance, the initiative taken to clean this dusty fan, made me feel somewhat uplifted, knowing that it is cleaned.
in this case, the life lesson would be to take initiative to do things, whereby you'll have a positive comeback.

though one can't always expect a positive comeback with every 'life factor' encountered.
with each step a person takes,
a piece of life is learnt.

so what if you decide to ignore those life pieces.
it'll haunt you.
*cues epic music.*
if only it does happen.
then everybody would take an initiative to learn about their own lives.

you can say, some people choose not to meddle with their own lives,
and rather just go with the flow.
but whether you like it or not, life will always be there.
it is inevitable.
it is a part of who we are.

but at the end of the day,
i still think life is a bitch.
one 'smart' individual was seen holding a book, sitting on the driver's seat, controlling the steering wheel at the same time.
who on earth does he/she think he/she is?!

here's the thing about driving.
it requires full attention.
true enough, accidents happen within a split of a second.
*is that even proper phrase? erh... it sounds nice though. =O *
the moment two drivers lose their focus at that particular same moment, an accident is bound to occur.
i mean, look, if a person is driving wrecklessly, and the other is alert, surely there is a way to avoid the accident from happening.

hey! there should be a psychologist out there just to investigate such cases.
right at this moment, typing this, so much pyschological thoughts are rummaging in this 3 pound organ of mine.
but as of now, i shall settle with the fact that the two drivers was not in focus for the same second.

and HOW can these drivers get off focus?
there is the issue with handphones,
then there are statistical records on accidents taking place while the driver was eating,
even the normal looking people, who got involved, are suspectedly delusionalised for that moment.
owh, and also distraction by the people in the car. eg, babies being strapped at the backseat of the car, crying out of nowhere. OR. kids making a havoc at the backseat.

let's put it this way,
i myself have experienced, whereby i almost HIT another car. a few times. within a single trip.
the state where i was wandering far away in my thoughts, that i couldn't focus much on the road.
it happens.
here's the case:
something bad happened before you had to drive.
it caused you to think all sorts of nonsense, trying to understand what had just happened.
but you can't just stay there, you had to drive.
and you're driving alone.
well of course, you don't have anybody to talk it through with, you start to wander into space, forgetting the world for a short moment.
before you know it ......... yeap.

the moment i reach home, was the moment i felt safe.

and here are the list of illegal things i do while i drive, alone ;
change my outerwear
stretch all the way back to the backseat to grab something
change songs on the radio
change CDs
filling my tummy with edible substances. EAT!

people will think that,
"hey, it's just texting, i'll get it done within seconds."
"traffic light ma! got few seconds to spare, no problem."
"traffic is slow, i can handle this."
no people, NO!
concentration diverts when this happens.
same thing goes to calls.
"omg! important call, must pick up... HELLO?! OMG! NOOO!!!!!!"
imagine if that happens, i'm pretty sure that car is right in front of your face already.
a phone call is like the worse form of emotion transfer device.
a shocking news should never be received in such conditions; driving.
if a call is really that important, the most a person should do is,
pick up the phone and say, "i'm currently driving, can you please call back later?"
or how we malaysians do it, "DRIVING AH! CALL BACK LATER!"
best bet, just don't answer, if that person calling you really needs to talk to you, they can call back later.
or you can call back later when you're not driving.
and texts will not disappear if you don't read them immediately.

such contradiction.

i do know it is not safe to do so.
i try my best NOT TO do those stuff while i drive.
i really do.
but sometimes at times of crisis, it just had to be done. =S

if the driver is not focused,
driver should never attempt speeding.
no. i shall rephrase that.
driver should never attempt to drive.

speeding itself require tremendous amount of concentration.
to be honest, i always liked to drive til i reach 120km/h.
but now, i pretty much reduced to 100km/h.
it just scares the daylights out of me.
everything is going at a fast speed, anything could happen anytime.
i picture myself not being able to break in time.
THAT. is scary.
*picures gory moment when an accident happens and my body is sent flying out through the window screen and then landing after a good few metres away from the collision point. maybe being squashed like a pancake where my physical identity could not be identified, being pinned under two large chunks of metal. urgh.*

i still fear driving eventhough i've been driving legally for a year now.
especially when it's dark, or when it rains, or both together.

btw. i read when i drive too.
not a smart act, but definitely a foolish one.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

if i die,
i would want to return as a ghost.
one that would just walk amongst people and observe.
is that even possible?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

looking back

my previous blogs are probably the best proof on how much i have grown as the years passed.
i've been blogging since 2006.
i still keep track of my blogs, as i tend to have a new blog each year.
*which makes me wonder, how is it possible that i could actually come up with so many random blog names, yearly. o.o *
my first blog (2006 - mid 2007) : k!mMi3's life...
my second blog (end of 2007 - beginning of 2008) : ~heartx~
my third blog (end of 2008 - beginning of 2010) : .: kimmie :.
my fourth blog (2010) - white rose
my fifth blog (mid of 2011 - ? ) : sugar

i just browsed through my first blog, it made me cringe.
still some joy. reminiscence of the past.
only wondering why on earth did i not post anything about cheer back then.

those posts up til last year.
were all about what i experience on that day itself.
i just realised i totally stopped doing that for my current blog.
now, it's all about college, studies
or maybe just commenting on random stuff.

which makes me wonder if i would have any references for memories i have of this year.
owh boy.
wait. there is. MY PLANNER!!!! *victory*

to be honest, i am actually quite proud of my current blog posts.
they have grown so much from my previous 4 blogs, way more.
i guess i have to say, college life definitely has changed my mind and thoughts to a certain aspect.

before i came to know of eald, i would normally write narrative writing, where i could just jump from one scene to another, adruptly without worrying if it clicks or otherwise.
as for eald, it requires serious writing, something i wasn't used to.
*i believe i have mentioned and complained about this matter in one of my earliest posts for this blog*
thus, the beginning of blogging.
somehow i used this as a medium for me to get myself writing again.
three months, there are some slight changes in the way i write for my eald essays already.
i used to stop and think, "would this point be appropriate? should i or should i not?"
now, "ah! we are talking about this matter? okay." and i'll just write endlessly... until i realise i was writing crap for the whole thing.
worse comes to worst, i believe my crap is somehow relevant to the topic.
at least i hope so.
blogging has encouraged me to write better, and i got my courage to write again.
the only problem is that my crap are normally unorganised.

the fact that i have friends producing good posts on blogs and facebook,
i got tempted to start again too.
thank you!

i even do proof-reading now.
something i never do back with my previous blogs.

read, write, express.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

just finished my psycho ee paper.

my first impression when i first got the paper?
i just laughed.

honestly. this should be one of the toughest papers i have sat for, ever.

mainly because i haven't revised fully as psychology requires both understanding and memorising.
and since they are all overlapping and contradicting at the same time, i got confused.
everything seems to same to me.

congratulations, kah sim. you, are screwed for psycho.

but then again, i may be overexaggerating it.

back in ee 1, in general, my math marks and chem marks seems like they were competing against each other to see who will be my fifth subject.
psycho sits nicely in the middle, right behind eald and bio.
but looking at the current situation,
it does seem like my psycho has gotten bored of the middle seat and decided to take the last seat.
now where did my chem and math go? that i will have to see when the results return.

this time around, i couldn't find enough time to finish my chemistry paper.
i had usual problems with maths.
but i couldn't answer a single question for my psycho.
i am dead serious.
i wish i could lie about that fact, but i can't.
the hell.


one more month to mock exam.
i better start buckling up.
i shall make this week of holiday productive.

Friday, August 19, 2011

i need a laptop.

i've been kidnapping my 'uncle's' laptop quite often recently.
it used to be my bro's but i think its a shared one since my bro is seemingly returning it back to my uncle.
and my uncle would use it to view stock exchange stuff?
i don't know, i know he'll bug me of the computer if the laptop isnt around last time.
but yeah. i kidnapped this lappy, at least the desktop is still there,
he should be alright...
i hope.

well. i really do think i need a laptop.
as i said, i've been kidnapping this laptop with me.
for like what? two weeks already. 75% of the time too.
been quite addicted to having this 'awesome-fowsome' gadget with me around.
i can just sit here in college in the midst of studying, and blog away, expressing myself in ways, that could actually annoy me darling readers.
my apologies.
my mind tends to stray when i'm alone sometimes. =/

maybe after owning one lappy for my own,
i don't have to feel guilty for kidnapping this lappy anymore.
and and and.
i don't have to borrow people's lappy to play games.
and maybe i'd install some nfs too. hrmm.
that, i can decide again later. but it would be nice, no? ;D

and since i don't have a fancy phone or an mp3 player,
a laptop would be sufficient to provide me with my MUSIC.
you know those moments where i just feel like listening to music but i just CAN'T because i DON'T HAVE devices to give me that source of entertainment?
'why don't i get a new handphone?'
BECAUSE! handphones are tiny. i can't play awesome-fowsome games with them.
besides. i do think a laptop is more important to me now since my old faithful handphone is still working. =)

owh. i need a headphone too.

anyways. i've been debating with myself on which laptop to get.
it narrows down to,
inspiron 15R, i5
XPS 15z
well. XPS 15z definitely kicks ass. but it's pricey. *mutters*
and XPS looks so bulky. assuming it's heavy as well, i don't think it's okay for me to carry around in my backpack.
inspiron 15R, i5 seems to be the best one so far.

funny thing is, i already bought a backpack for the laptop,
but i don't have the laptop yet.
the wonders of shopping.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

'hrm... what should i wear tomorrow...?'
this is something i would normally ask myself before the day ends.
this comes second to 'what is for lunch/dinner?',
the question which i ask everyday, without fail.
but here, i still choose not to eat for lunch at times,
well, most of the time, to be honest.
simply because i was too lazy to go out of campus for food, and the cafeteria food is just 'bleah'.
in a way, i get to save money too. =D
at least i thought i would.

but that's just out of the topic.
what i want to talk about now, is actually clothings.
how a person dresses, depicts how a person is like.
well, stereotyping does happen somehow or rather in this manner.
if i see somebody dressing inappropriately, i would go "why on earth is that person dressing like that?!"
or if i see someone wearing a super short dress without wearing a pants inside,
i'd go "my goodness, does she not have any dignity for herself?"
i am only being honest.
i used to sit there at the cafe just looking at those who passed by me,
observing on how they dress.
they are definitely a few who will stand out amongst the others,
and these are those who i deem 'dressers'.
there are those who stand out in with a bad vibe, the failed ones.
and majority would be the normal ones with t-shirt and bottom.

nah. i'm not thrashing.
cos i tend to fall into all three categories myself.
some days i would feel good and dress nicely,
some days i would feel lazy and dress normally,
some days i would feel like trying abnormal stuff, where it could actually trigger the appearance of several imaginary question marks in the observers' heads; the weird, funny one.

but normally, i would fall into the 3rd category,
not sure why, but i know i would always match stuff up... pretty badly.
which in a way, makes me... weird?
and if i'm not weird, i'm just not me anymore, now am i?
and if i'm lucky, i might actualy mix up something that actually matches.
if i am lucky that is. xD
what happens if i misdress?
it still is fun mixing and matching around.
at least it's something that i can explore.

i really do like looking at how people dress.
i'd then try to learn from them, seeing if i can dress like them and look good myself.
most of the time it fails.
but it gives me inspiration and ideas to alter that look into something that matches me.
i like dressing up. now.
it's a self satisfactory thingy.

well. it isn't like you get to dress up much back in those schooling days.
all you do is just wear school uniform for 5 to 6 hours a day or even more.
then you'll be going to tuition, and you would want to wear something comfortable and something normal since it's only about two hours long.
the initiative to dress up then was pretty much rare.

ever since college started,
i realise i started to shop for clothes too.
it's like i would find the opportuinity to go shopping to get clothes that i would want and could wear to college.
i mean, after all, it's practically the only place i can dress-up to now.
but for the first 6 months, i refrained myself from doing shopping as much as i can,
haha! so much for refraining, i got bored of my clothes, and i wanted new ones to mix and match with.
such joy.
thus the shopping spree in Macau.
went there with a small only 8kg and returning home with a 20kg load of stuff in my luggage.
were mainly clothes.
imagine how much shopping i did. ;D
but really. i must must must refrain from making shopping a habit. o.o
it is difficult.
the first week after i got back from Macau, looking at the sales going on all over Pyramid, i soon got tempted.
and i did another round of shopping.

*i shall end this post before it gets too long winded*
*i am good at talking nonsense. =/ *

dressing up is fun.
especially when you get funny stares from people, wondering that the crap is wrong with you. ;D

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

here's something retarded about me.
i did not sleep on purpose last night!
no. let me rephrase that.
i did not want to sleep last night.
but i slept at 4 thirty am anyways.
figured that i would need some rest just to get through my day today.
true enough, that sleep was very much needed!

now i realised something.
lacking of sleep can really bring effects to a person.
the only thing is that it varies from each individual
as for me?
i was hyper whole morning,
but i was also feeling really sleepy, could possibly fall asleep at almost any moment where i had nothing to do at all.
i really could've slept if nobody talked to me for a short period of time.

yeap. my body was tired.
i couldn't even walk up the stairs without feeling really tired after the 3rd set of stairs.

even so. it feels good staying up late at night. or rather early in the morning.
it really is good!
it feels like i have much more time to do anything.
more time to do more things.

but yes. there is a reason why staying up late isnt recommended.
it tires a person out,
in a way, it is not healthy either. =/
you're pretty much meddling with your automatic sleeping programme of your own body.
no. do not mess with this.
it is just not a good thing to do.
take care! <3

8hours of sleep.
i need it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

left-handed people.

generally, they seem like the smarter group of people.
and i honestly do feel intimidated when i come across one who is left-handed.
like really, cos they are normally the smarter ones.
thus i feel even much more dumb that i am right-handed.
ah yes.
why the random stereotyping?

was watching this movie on a 17 year old girl being kidnapped,
and i saw this newspaper there on the table
while waiting for the commercials to pass, i thought of getting a peek at the newspaper.
true enough, i found an interesting page.

a page full of articles on left-handedness.

again i feel intimidated.
reminiscing on the left-handed people i know of.
they are all guys.
i do not recall any females that i know of who are left-handed.

owh well. here's a trivia.
Left-handedness is caused by excessive levels of testosterone during pregnancy, which slows the rate of growth in the left brain (which controls the right hand).
Explains why more men are left-handed than women.

true that.

but really.
when i see left-handed people, i will go "oh. one smart person that fella is."
and i'll go *why am i not as smart as them?! T.T*

Sunday, August 14, 2011

here's the thing about me.
i know it's really risky exposing this,
but yeah. whatev. =)

i'm pretty sure i'm not the only person who does this 'one-password-for-all' habit.
well. i learnt to do that after losing and forgetting my password over the years.
my sis was the one who warned me.
i remember when i was way younger.
i will be putting some fancy passwords for each fancy usernames i'd make up with.
fancy passwords with fancy usernames soon got confusing.
and i forgotten all of them.
fancy wasn't the thing after all.

as i was growing older, i had more resposibilities
and also more secrets to keep.
forgetting a password also means that will be the end of everything.
same scenario that would apply to myself today.
ah yes. fancy-pansy then swapped to one password.
but then i somehow made another one.
best option then? combine both the passwords.
it was similar in some ways, so it was actually possible to remember it somehow.

i honestly have this fear of losing a password now.
it really does mean i will lose everything.

imagine this,
you have an online bank account.
and you lost your password.
now isnt' that hell?

i would freak out.
sure thing you can call and cancel the acocund and then get it recovered or protected.
but the risk is still there whereby,
the time between the moment you lost your stuff, and the moment when you realise you lost it.
that's an ample amount of time for an expert to do whatever they intend to do.
think about it. =/

i have nothing to talk about actually.
but since it's in my head. i decided to just blabble about it.
i'm here in college.
finished my math. but i'm sure i have to do more of those cos i'm still confused at certain areas.
but my 'brains' isn't giving me the 'juice' to do it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

to all beautiful ladies all over the world,
those who wear them in the most elegant way possible,
those who look hot in them,
those who dance intensely with them,
those who manage to walk in them as though it was as normal as breathing,
those who wears them for living purposes,
those who runs with them...
i bow to you with a 90 degree bow,
with full respect and honour.

killer heels are definitely not something normal people should mess with.
nope, not at all.
yet, they are around.
with a purpose.

they make females look sexier as it creates the illusion that the legs are elongated.
it is not only that the illusion or image where they have elongated legs, they, are also elavated.
elevated according to their desired height, varying from inches.
highest wearable pair of heels would be 8 inches, i think.
i'm not too sure on that one,
but it sure does kill as how it's name depicts.

i have always been envious of people wearing heels.
true to that, i will start commenting, complaining on an on about them wearing heels.
"You're already tall! Why do you still wanna wear heels?!"
"Look at that! She wants to wear heels, but she doesn't even know how to walk in them! What for?"
"You're lucky, you still can wear them heels, i can't."
i was tall enough, and almost everyone would go...
"Kah Sim! You're so tall! I hate you!!"
yes, they were joking, but it isnt that much of a joke when almost everyone says it, repeatedly.
with the height of 170+, wearing heels was just ridiculous.
if i do wear them, i'd be towering everyone around me and make them look like midgets.
and i will definitely garner looks from anyone who spots me, making them go
"She looks like a giant in those heels, isn't she tall enough already?"
well, i can't stop them from thinking so.
even i would look at myself like that.
life just isn't fair. =O
and also, i have scoliosis.
wearing heels for long periods of time, will cause my back to ache, depending on how long or what i was doing in those heels.
yeap. i really need to take care. spine isn't something to mess with either.
and, heels WILL MAKE your posture change.
due to the elevated heel, the posture of the person who wears them, their hips and spine will be out of alignment.
not only that, the natural curve of the spine will be exaggerated when with heels.
but they're so prettyyy!!

which then brings me to the very first time, i decided to wear heels, after some goodness-knows-how-long-ago i wore a pair of REAL HEELS.
nope. i have opted for flats since i found out about my scoli.
seriously, that time when i was wearing only 1inch heel, the after effect for that would be having back ache for the whole day on the following day.
it was that terrible.
but today, i decided to screw everything, and went to wear a pair of killer heels to college.
for somebody who hasn't been wearing proper heels for almost like ever, i already expected that i would not be able to finish my day with those heels.
prepared, i packed a pair of flats into my backpack.
i also asked natasha to join me with the heels.
but hers was only about 2inch,
mine? crazy 4 inched.
thinking about it now gives me a tiny tinge of goosebumps.
even when i bath, the scalding of my skin burns.
but in a way, i like how i could use it as something where i could torture myself on a daily basis.
eventhough the heels were comfortable,
mind you, i was not used to wearing heels.
in fact, i never actually wore them.
and with that. new shoes WILL BITE BACK somehow or rather.
wait. i'm not done.
i too was not used to walking in heels.
the day turned out to be one epic... disaster?
but i wouldn't want to say it is an epic disaster, cos it was expected.
and i wanted to endure and feel that pain anyways. xD
much fun.
here was how it went...

i stepped out of sunny. (my darling sunshine yellow car)
walked the whole strecth of parking lot all the way to the cafeteria.
since i haven't walked in heels before,
it was considerably quite wobbly and awkward.
i wasnt even halfway near the cafeteria, i was already experiencing pain.
my leg muscles were a little strained, and my feet were starting to scald.
then i reached the cafeteria.
i had to sit down, cos i had this feeling that my feet was already scalded.
true enough. i took my heels off, and i had to put plaster to cushion the frictioned impact of the heels on my skin.
and i thought i wouldn't be in much pain since there wasnt many classes i have to walk to.
obviously i wasn't steady enough to walk the stairs, i had to wait for the lift.
i think by 9am, my legs were already tired.
i swear i felt my legs shiver a little.
it is epic!
i kinda like this kind of self torture.

i shall definitely do this more often.
prolly practice until a point where i can actually STRUT my stuff with those KILLER HEELS.

back to reality.
it still makes my mind go wild thinking how these women manage to wear them on a daily basis.
i mean, look at models.
they will only get to wear those heels there and then for the shoot or catwalk that they have to do on that particular event.
they don't have time like 'me' to get used to the shoes.
and it isnt all the time that they get heels that matches their feet size.
imagine walking down the catwalk, goodness knows how long they can get.
and they have to sturt their stuff as though those feet of theirs arent hurting.
no wait.
modelling is a respected job, now that i have gone through 'tolerable hell' with killer heels.

that's not it.
another thing that makes me go 'wth?' is that people can actually dance with those heels.
i observe these ladies wearing killer heels performing strenous dancing acts.
my goodness. i think i've witnessed one of the kpop artist dancing with 5.5 inches.
seo in young.

i can't even walk in one. let alone dance.
but i guess i will be able to do that some day.

killer heels. there is a reason why they are called killer heels.
they DO kill. =O

Monday, August 8, 2011

after college hours.
benefits outweights the disadvantages.
well, at least in my opinion.

after college hours would be after classes end, up til late night i suppose.
and for studying purposes, it is the best!
simply because you see less people hanging around.
hold it. let me complain about the march intakes and the july intakes first.

being a jan intake, i do have tons to complain of.
i can't imagine how the seniors get used to the constant intakes throughout the year. and prolly until their following few years too. D=
but i know i have tons to complain.
let me begin somewhere.
when i first came in, i learnt that arriving college after 8.20am, there will not be a parking left in that parking area.
when there is no parking there, we have to opt for elephant walk or pyramid.
*noobness strikes as i do not know where else to search for parking. haha! *
parking elsewhere poses concerns to me.
one, elephant walk is a little dangerous to walk alone, since it is considerably far.
two, parking at pyramid is safer, though further, and it cuts throat.
back then, i tried not to park at elephant walk, unless i can get people to walk with me.
and then came the march intakes.
my goodness.
by the time you reach college at 8.10am, that's it.
hurh. and as the days passed, i got lazier and lazier, waking up later and later.
til a point where i actually have to rush.
normally i have to leave my home by 7.20am. in order to get parking.
which i will normally reach college at 7.45am.
WAIT. for the first month of college, i remember i still could get one super nice parking spot at the front row.
that parking spot was like the best.
but as the months passed, i am currently parked at the LAST row. *swoons*
JULY INTAKE. that was it.
i got too lazy to wake up in time for the good parkings.
now, as long as i get rachel and diane to college in time, i am happy.
and if i am lucky enough, i get a parking in college, i'd be really happy.
like really.
8.05am, parking will be full.
though i have no idea how certain people could actually manage to sqeeze in and find a parking when it already looks so full. D=
nah. i wouldn't want to risk it.
i'd rather walk. good exercise. =D
and since i was that lazy, i now wake up at 6.50am and leave at 7.30am.
even rachel got so bored of waiting for me. *oopps*
so i have to go pick her up now.
BUT! i still will feel guilty if i do end up reaching college late.
and i have been late quite alot recently. (considered)
dropping them off at the lobby, and the driving to elephant walk for a parking, walking in a fast pace back to college just so i get to class in time for my psycho.
oh! i also stopped parking at pyramid.
cuts throat like mad, rm7.70 per day. -.-
i'd rather walk. though i do have that thought where i will be attacked somehow someday. but yeah. then i would just consider myself unlucky.

the cafeteria is...
we have to be there early, otherwise we wouldn't even have a place to sit.
*i am not imagining how much of a nuisance we are to the seniors*
then there is the foyer and the library. or any available studying spots.
as the intakes FLOOD in, there isn't much place left to salvage.

which then brings me back to WHY I LIKE AFTER COLLEGE HOURS.
it's like finally, there is peace in college.
where you can only see a few of them around.
not the sea of humans, just a few.
and it's so much more quiet.

well. i like to study with the whole table to myself.
this. is the time where i can actually do that.

i notice, i can actually 'own' the table to myself, if and only if i arrive early to college, 'conquer' the table, and hope that nobody else is daring enough to ask if they can have a space near me.

either early or late, where all the normal people will be at home, or on their way home or ... as long as they're not in college at that particular abnormal time, it is normal. =D

please, i need some alone time too.
especially when i'm studying.
if i have company, i will be distracted, and i will NEVER study. =/

BESIDES! going back home after 7pm is actually a good thing.
i don't have to get stuck in the jam (which takes me about half an hour to an hour to get home from a normally-15minute-drive-IF-traffic-is-smooth drive)
totally forgotten how CLEAR the road was until i went back home at 7.30something today.
no wait. it wasnt clear. just smooth running. still good enough.
since traffic jam start from 5pm onwards. which was the original time i would normally leave for home.

wait wait!
saturdays and sundays are awesome too!
the parking is plentiful. *like*
and there are only handfuls of people.
seriously. SO PEACEFUL!!!!!

i'm looking at how this is going to be a norm starting this week onwards. =F

Friday, August 5, 2011

5th Aug, 10.41am

" Ah. This ringtone that played out of nowhere in the middle of the class. It brought me thoughts. =) It was the ost for Gumiho: Tale of the Fox's Child, a korean drama. This. was a good drama. Ohe that i actually chased, watching starting from around the fifth episode, and following it from then until then end. It was that good. It depicts the relationship between a mother and a daughter. Mother as some spirit, 9-tailed fox with her child, who inheriteed the gene. Well of cos, they are mutants, they face difficulties running around. But they are still human, just that they can morph into foxes when they get really furious. Throughout the whole drama, they face problems, as people try to kill them. Somehow, both the mother and daughter died, i think? Nah. i can't really remember. But i know at some point, they thought one another had died and went around everywhere searching for each other or some sort. As usual. Korean drama. It goes round and round and round and round. And ends up with one retarded ending. -.-
But it is a good drama. With magical spiritual stuff here and there. Accentuating the mother-daughter relationship between the two main actresses. =) "

i strongly recommend this korean drama.
and only watch this when you have at least 3-5 days free.
like seriously free.
you'll be chasing it once you start. and will not stop until it is over.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

now isnt it upsetting, knowing that you've been missing out
when others were having the time of their lives?

yes. it is.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

literally, i grew up watching grey's anatomy.
it was 6 years back when it first premiered.
but i can't really remember when i started watching it.
all i know that it is the one show i followed all throughout my highschool years.
somehow, it shaped the way i understand life?
not too sure on how to describe it, but yes, i do follow it, and it tugs my consciousness almost all the time.
i am sure it made me cry for a few times already.

i like how they go about with their 'in-your-face' sarcasm and honesty.
and the response they could give when it happens.
and somehow, the medic part is only the addition to the awesomeness of this series.
some trauma cases are seriously gruesome, but can-happen-anyday incidents.
and the way they handle it, is interesting, too.

somehow you get used to their characters and you tend to 'feel' for the characters as well.
this is weird, but yeah. i don't know. isn't this normal when you FOLLOW a certain drama?

yeah. like those korean dramas, tvb dramas?
my goodness.
those are just...dumb.
here's the SAME plot for almost all the korean dramas:
guy likes girl, girl likes guy, guy likes another girl, girl upset, guy realises he still like girl, guy and girl together.
and. normally, ONE of the girl that the guy ends up with, is a bitch.
i remember watching one last weekned, it was a short korean drama.
seems quite retarded to me. even facepalmed a few times, watching it.
it was that bad.
this guy, is with this girl, but this girl has another boyfriend. the guy is a doctor, who is quite involved with this patient of his, who is schizophrenic. this schizophrenic patient likes him, but this guy only assumes she is crazy or playing around. as the drama was ending, he was behaving more like the schizophrenic girl. he then finds out that his girlfriend is cheating on him. but isn't that much bothered, cos he already realised he likes this schizophrenic girl. and. the schizophrenic girl and the doctor ends up together.
retardedly. i facepalmed cos the doctor was behaving like the schizophrenic girl. i mean, some part of the drama was predictable. still funny, really.
with a lot of facepalm moments.
then there is the tvb drama.
i don't understand why on earth do they always depict family dramas.
as in family members disrespecting one another, but somehow still can manage to be togehter, laughing it out at the end of the day.
wait. almost all the tvb dramas involves a dead person. right? no? hrmm. *touch wood*
hold it! there is one thing i find 'special' about tvb dramas.
they always have a bitch in any dramas.
the one who talks sarcasm and disses at almost everything. they can be really funny. you also feel like bitch slapping them. HAHA!
especially when they use cantonese to curse and scold around, it really is funny!
and tvb dramas have all this super duper truper long winded back-tracking story line.
which could've been solve with an instant, but NO... it's like what... 30++ episodes long?
and people will be so glued, they can sit there for hours or days, just to finish watching it.
AND!!! they always stop at a part where it makes you go... "OMG! WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?! OH NO! MUST WATCH! MUST WATCH!! MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!"
but then again, if it isn't long winded, it wouldn't exactly be korean/tvb dramas already.

hrmm. as i know US dramas never really end with a '?' at the end of the episode.
they only have that '?' if that particular episode is a double episode which they will normally end with 'to be continued...'.
AND they have a hidden meaning in each episodes.
unlike the whole retarded, long-winded drama that only gets your heart pumping at a faster rate.
hrm... if i'm not mistaken, i know they only project the '?' when a season ends. making the viewers eager for the following season.

'Parenthood' is another good show. =)

everybody else my age watches, 'One Tree Hill', '90210', 'Gossip Girl', i watch 'GREYS ANATOMY'!!!!! =D
i also watched 'hellcats', just because they have routines and that cheer spirit. not because of the unnecessary dramas.
and of the occasional dramas i watch, would be CSI. my goodness, they still can run strong until today. i have no idea how. respect!

i watch 'how i met your mother' too!
heh. =D oh. they don't use foul language. hahahahah! i just realised it.

hrm. this is long. i wonder who would bother reading this. =o

watch documentaries, people!
they are educational!
i need time-out.

Monday, August 1, 2011

1st Aug, 2.28pm

" Trust. Something that takes some time to gain. Just like everything else, nothing comes easily. Maybe they do, but that's just pure luck. Violating a person's trust could be disastrous. It is indescribable. But it happens. It feels like you could rip the world apart with your own two bare hands when you do find out that your trusts is being violated. Trust. A telepathy connection between two individuals. A meaning that tells a person that they have somebody they could depend on, somebody who they know they can go to in times of hardship, someone who they can turn to at the end of a gruelling day. Trust. It is lik an invisible string, one that holds on to you with all it's might, unbreakable (as it seems). But no matter how unbreakable it maybe, tensions due to strenuous tuggings and pullings will eventually, someday, somehow. Funny how much effor is needed to weave this invisible string, and that it only takes a snap to break it into pieces. "

if you realise, it is actually very contradicting.
LOL. i think i got confused myself. xD
Birds fly over the rainbow,
why, then why can't i?

they've got wings, we've got arms. Duh~
And also, you can't even determine where the rainbow ends, it is an optical illusion altogether. Sad much. They're so pretty, but they never last. =(
nothing lasts forver?
1st Aug, 8.58am

i was bored. lol. forgive me.

" First day of college. Nope. It's just that returning to college after two weeks of good break doesn't make me feel like i want to come back college at all. I slept late. Couldn't sleep. HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Soooooo didn't want the hols to end just yet.
And for sure, i woke up late as well. While i was driving, one or two idiots nearly hit me. Or, maybe it's the other way around. But then again, stuff like this do happen, that's why full concentration is necessary when driving. Oh yes. Then there was this funny auntie. I was driving nicely and she decides to cut into my lane out of nowhere, eventhough it was too late for her to cut. Like for sure, i have to stop. Otherwise i'd hit her already. Lucky that car behind me didnt hit me. Hurh. Oh right. I came to college in time. But there was a massive jam from the traffic light towards the lobby. For sure there wouldn't be a parking for me alraedy. So much for waking up so early. "
31st July, 11.12am

" Physio. Everybody just minds their own business here. Nobody really talks here. Only the attendees. And they're really really friendly. Sociable. Which is good. I learn alot. Hehe. Just like the other day, i was saying i was going macau to find my mummy. Then they gave me shocked faces. Asking. Then one of them, whom i am fondest of, started asking me about mummy. Well, she herself is a single mom raising her kids for the past 8 years or so. Yeap. It's good getting such advice from them. I mean, it's not like you can ask your own mom how she feels sometimes. So you get someone who has a similar background, to share with you theirs. (sometimes, certains things are best left unknown) I'm lucky. =)
And then there is one who always catches me eating, then asking for fod. She is just funny. Lol. She even tickled me that time when she was doing my drops. (twice already) Ah yes. There are 5 of them here. And 1 of them is a guy. I imagined it to be weird for him to be the only guy around here. Lol. And the majority of the 'patients' are girls. Haha! Thare are two of there here that i don't talk much to. =X But, That first person i was talking about, is the nicest. I talk most to her. =) "

p/s: physio is boring. if i do everything properly and slowly, it takes me maximum of two hours. and the drive there, from half an hour to an hour drive, ONE WAY. it's quite boring that i have to DRIVE there on my own and also back home. yes. i am complaining. seriously. i still have 40+ visits to go.
and i wouldn't want anyone to accompany me either. they'll just sit there and rot for 2 hours. i'll feel guilty then. =/
a delusioned mind speaks honesty.
sometimes i wonder if these honesty could be trusted or otherwise.
i'm always delusional.