Monday, August 15, 2011

left-handed people.

generally, they seem like the smarter group of people.
and i honestly do feel intimidated when i come across one who is left-handed.
like really, cos they are normally the smarter ones.
thus i feel even much more dumb that i am right-handed.
ah yes.
why the random stereotyping?

was watching this movie on a 17 year old girl being kidnapped,
and i saw this newspaper there on the table
while waiting for the commercials to pass, i thought of getting a peek at the newspaper.
true enough, i found an interesting page.

a page full of articles on left-handedness.

again i feel intimidated.
reminiscing on the left-handed people i know of.
they are all guys.
i do not recall any females that i know of who are left-handed.

owh well. here's a trivia.
Left-handedness is caused by excessive levels of testosterone during pregnancy, which slows the rate of growth in the left brain (which controls the right hand).
Explains why more men are left-handed than women.

true that.

but really.
when i see left-handed people, i will go "oh. one smart person that fella is."
and i'll go *why am i not as smart as them?! T.T*

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