Thursday, August 18, 2011

'hrm... what should i wear tomorrow...?'
this is something i would normally ask myself before the day ends.
this comes second to 'what is for lunch/dinner?',
the question which i ask everyday, without fail.
but here, i still choose not to eat for lunch at times,
well, most of the time, to be honest.
simply because i was too lazy to go out of campus for food, and the cafeteria food is just 'bleah'.
in a way, i get to save money too. =D
at least i thought i would.

but that's just out of the topic.
what i want to talk about now, is actually clothings.
how a person dresses, depicts how a person is like.
well, stereotyping does happen somehow or rather in this manner.
if i see somebody dressing inappropriately, i would go "why on earth is that person dressing like that?!"
or if i see someone wearing a super short dress without wearing a pants inside,
i'd go "my goodness, does she not have any dignity for herself?"
i am only being honest.
i used to sit there at the cafe just looking at those who passed by me,
observing on how they dress.
they are definitely a few who will stand out amongst the others,
and these are those who i deem 'dressers'.
there are those who stand out in with a bad vibe, the failed ones.
and majority would be the normal ones with t-shirt and bottom.

nah. i'm not thrashing.
cos i tend to fall into all three categories myself.
some days i would feel good and dress nicely,
some days i would feel lazy and dress normally,
some days i would feel like trying abnormal stuff, where it could actually trigger the appearance of several imaginary question marks in the observers' heads; the weird, funny one.

but normally, i would fall into the 3rd category,
not sure why, but i know i would always match stuff up... pretty badly.
which in a way, makes me... weird?
and if i'm not weird, i'm just not me anymore, now am i?
and if i'm lucky, i might actualy mix up something that actually matches.
if i am lucky that is. xD
what happens if i misdress?
it still is fun mixing and matching around.
at least it's something that i can explore.

i really do like looking at how people dress.
i'd then try to learn from them, seeing if i can dress like them and look good myself.
most of the time it fails.
but it gives me inspiration and ideas to alter that look into something that matches me.
i like dressing up. now.
it's a self satisfactory thingy.

well. it isn't like you get to dress up much back in those schooling days.
all you do is just wear school uniform for 5 to 6 hours a day or even more.
then you'll be going to tuition, and you would want to wear something comfortable and something normal since it's only about two hours long.
the initiative to dress up then was pretty much rare.

ever since college started,
i realise i started to shop for clothes too.
it's like i would find the opportuinity to go shopping to get clothes that i would want and could wear to college.
i mean, after all, it's practically the only place i can dress-up to now.
but for the first 6 months, i refrained myself from doing shopping as much as i can,
haha! so much for refraining, i got bored of my clothes, and i wanted new ones to mix and match with.
such joy.
thus the shopping spree in Macau.
went there with a small only 8kg and returning home with a 20kg load of stuff in my luggage.
were mainly clothes.
imagine how much shopping i did. ;D
but really. i must must must refrain from making shopping a habit. o.o
it is difficult.
the first week after i got back from Macau, looking at the sales going on all over Pyramid, i soon got tempted.
and i did another round of shopping.

*i shall end this post before it gets too long winded*
*i am good at talking nonsense. =/ *

dressing up is fun.
especially when you get funny stares from people, wondering that the crap is wrong with you. ;D

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