Wednesday, August 10, 2011

to all beautiful ladies all over the world,
those who wear them in the most elegant way possible,
those who look hot in them,
those who dance intensely with them,
those who manage to walk in them as though it was as normal as breathing,
those who wears them for living purposes,
those who runs with them...
i bow to you with a 90 degree bow,
with full respect and honour.

killer heels are definitely not something normal people should mess with.
nope, not at all.
yet, they are around.
with a purpose.

they make females look sexier as it creates the illusion that the legs are elongated.
it is not only that the illusion or image where they have elongated legs, they, are also elavated.
elevated according to their desired height, varying from inches.
highest wearable pair of heels would be 8 inches, i think.
i'm not too sure on that one,
but it sure does kill as how it's name depicts.

i have always been envious of people wearing heels.
true to that, i will start commenting, complaining on an on about them wearing heels.
"You're already tall! Why do you still wanna wear heels?!"
"Look at that! She wants to wear heels, but she doesn't even know how to walk in them! What for?"
"You're lucky, you still can wear them heels, i can't."
i was tall enough, and almost everyone would go...
"Kah Sim! You're so tall! I hate you!!"
yes, they were joking, but it isnt that much of a joke when almost everyone says it, repeatedly.
with the height of 170+, wearing heels was just ridiculous.
if i do wear them, i'd be towering everyone around me and make them look like midgets.
and i will definitely garner looks from anyone who spots me, making them go
"She looks like a giant in those heels, isn't she tall enough already?"
well, i can't stop them from thinking so.
even i would look at myself like that.
life just isn't fair. =O
and also, i have scoliosis.
wearing heels for long periods of time, will cause my back to ache, depending on how long or what i was doing in those heels.
yeap. i really need to take care. spine isn't something to mess with either.
and, heels WILL MAKE your posture change.
due to the elevated heel, the posture of the person who wears them, their hips and spine will be out of alignment.
not only that, the natural curve of the spine will be exaggerated when with heels.
but they're so prettyyy!!

which then brings me to the very first time, i decided to wear heels, after some goodness-knows-how-long-ago i wore a pair of REAL HEELS.
nope. i have opted for flats since i found out about my scoli.
seriously, that time when i was wearing only 1inch heel, the after effect for that would be having back ache for the whole day on the following day.
it was that terrible.
but today, i decided to screw everything, and went to wear a pair of killer heels to college.
for somebody who hasn't been wearing proper heels for almost like ever, i already expected that i would not be able to finish my day with those heels.
prepared, i packed a pair of flats into my backpack.
i also asked natasha to join me with the heels.
but hers was only about 2inch,
mine? crazy 4 inched.
thinking about it now gives me a tiny tinge of goosebumps.
even when i bath, the scalding of my skin burns.
but in a way, i like how i could use it as something where i could torture myself on a daily basis.
eventhough the heels were comfortable,
mind you, i was not used to wearing heels.
in fact, i never actually wore them.
and with that. new shoes WILL BITE BACK somehow or rather.
wait. i'm not done.
i too was not used to walking in heels.
the day turned out to be one epic... disaster?
but i wouldn't want to say it is an epic disaster, cos it was expected.
and i wanted to endure and feel that pain anyways. xD
much fun.
here was how it went...

i stepped out of sunny. (my darling sunshine yellow car)
walked the whole strecth of parking lot all the way to the cafeteria.
since i haven't walked in heels before,
it was considerably quite wobbly and awkward.
i wasnt even halfway near the cafeteria, i was already experiencing pain.
my leg muscles were a little strained, and my feet were starting to scald.
then i reached the cafeteria.
i had to sit down, cos i had this feeling that my feet was already scalded.
true enough. i took my heels off, and i had to put plaster to cushion the frictioned impact of the heels on my skin.
and i thought i wouldn't be in much pain since there wasnt many classes i have to walk to.
obviously i wasn't steady enough to walk the stairs, i had to wait for the lift.
i think by 9am, my legs were already tired.
i swear i felt my legs shiver a little.
it is epic!
i kinda like this kind of self torture.

i shall definitely do this more often.
prolly practice until a point where i can actually STRUT my stuff with those KILLER HEELS.

back to reality.
it still makes my mind go wild thinking how these women manage to wear them on a daily basis.
i mean, look at models.
they will only get to wear those heels there and then for the shoot or catwalk that they have to do on that particular event.
they don't have time like 'me' to get used to the shoes.
and it isnt all the time that they get heels that matches their feet size.
imagine walking down the catwalk, goodness knows how long they can get.
and they have to sturt their stuff as though those feet of theirs arent hurting.
no wait.
modelling is a respected job, now that i have gone through 'tolerable hell' with killer heels.

that's not it.
another thing that makes me go 'wth?' is that people can actually dance with those heels.
i observe these ladies wearing killer heels performing strenous dancing acts.
my goodness. i think i've witnessed one of the kpop artist dancing with 5.5 inches.
seo in young.

i can't even walk in one. let alone dance.
but i guess i will be able to do that some day.

killer heels. there is a reason why they are called killer heels.
they DO kill. =O

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