Sunday, August 28, 2011

one 'smart' individual was seen holding a book, sitting on the driver's seat, controlling the steering wheel at the same time.
who on earth does he/she think he/she is?!

here's the thing about driving.
it requires full attention.
true enough, accidents happen within a split of a second.
*is that even proper phrase? erh... it sounds nice though. =O *
the moment two drivers lose their focus at that particular same moment, an accident is bound to occur.
i mean, look, if a person is driving wrecklessly, and the other is alert, surely there is a way to avoid the accident from happening.

hey! there should be a psychologist out there just to investigate such cases.
right at this moment, typing this, so much pyschological thoughts are rummaging in this 3 pound organ of mine.
but as of now, i shall settle with the fact that the two drivers was not in focus for the same second.

and HOW can these drivers get off focus?
there is the issue with handphones,
then there are statistical records on accidents taking place while the driver was eating,
even the normal looking people, who got involved, are suspectedly delusionalised for that moment.
owh, and also distraction by the people in the car. eg, babies being strapped at the backseat of the car, crying out of nowhere. OR. kids making a havoc at the backseat.

let's put it this way,
i myself have experienced, whereby i almost HIT another car. a few times. within a single trip.
the state where i was wandering far away in my thoughts, that i couldn't focus much on the road.
it happens.
here's the case:
something bad happened before you had to drive.
it caused you to think all sorts of nonsense, trying to understand what had just happened.
but you can't just stay there, you had to drive.
and you're driving alone.
well of course, you don't have anybody to talk it through with, you start to wander into space, forgetting the world for a short moment.
before you know it ......... yeap.

the moment i reach home, was the moment i felt safe.

and here are the list of illegal things i do while i drive, alone ;
change my outerwear
stretch all the way back to the backseat to grab something
change songs on the radio
change CDs
filling my tummy with edible substances. EAT!

people will think that,
"hey, it's just texting, i'll get it done within seconds."
"traffic light ma! got few seconds to spare, no problem."
"traffic is slow, i can handle this."
no people, NO!
concentration diverts when this happens.
same thing goes to calls.
"omg! important call, must pick up... HELLO?! OMG! NOOO!!!!!!"
imagine if that happens, i'm pretty sure that car is right in front of your face already.
a phone call is like the worse form of emotion transfer device.
a shocking news should never be received in such conditions; driving.
if a call is really that important, the most a person should do is,
pick up the phone and say, "i'm currently driving, can you please call back later?"
or how we malaysians do it, "DRIVING AH! CALL BACK LATER!"
best bet, just don't answer, if that person calling you really needs to talk to you, they can call back later.
or you can call back later when you're not driving.
and texts will not disappear if you don't read them immediately.

such contradiction.

i do know it is not safe to do so.
i try my best NOT TO do those stuff while i drive.
i really do.
but sometimes at times of crisis, it just had to be done. =S

if the driver is not focused,
driver should never attempt speeding.
no. i shall rephrase that.
driver should never attempt to drive.

speeding itself require tremendous amount of concentration.
to be honest, i always liked to drive til i reach 120km/h.
but now, i pretty much reduced to 100km/h.
it just scares the daylights out of me.
everything is going at a fast speed, anything could happen anytime.
i picture myself not being able to break in time.
THAT. is scary.
*picures gory moment when an accident happens and my body is sent flying out through the window screen and then landing after a good few metres away from the collision point. maybe being squashed like a pancake where my physical identity could not be identified, being pinned under two large chunks of metal. urgh.*

i still fear driving eventhough i've been driving legally for a year now.
especially when it's dark, or when it rains, or both together.

btw. i read when i drive too.
not a smart act, but definitely a foolish one.

1 comment:

  1. hello~ thanks for driving me to ikea and to the lrt station. :)

    i consider you a safe driver, so it's alright for me. haha. but of course, like you said, focus while driving :P
