Sunday, August 28, 2011

a treasure hunt.
clues hidden at random places,
riddles needed to be solved before you can move on,
even the slightest detail along the whole journey would actually be your answer that could lead you to the treasure.

life depicted in an unnoticable form.

i'd always put life in a way
where i would call it a bitch.
simply because, the moment i figure something out about life,
it slaps me, up down left right, north south east west.

bits and pieces of life lies within almost everything we can see or touch.
true enough some of you will disagree with what i say,
but it really depends on what you see and understand about life.
like i said.
it bitch slaps you as soon as you THINK you figure something out.
with that palmful of realisation it gives, you'll soon discover another fact about life.

we play the game, the sims.
where we play god and control everything this sim does.
we create a sim, choose it's appearance, pick it's personality.
then we run their life.
as plain as it is, many of us would end up figuring different ways, killing this sim of ours.
trust me, this is the best part of the whole game.
in a way that i see it, we do this out of curiosity.
we, ourselves would not want to end our own lives, thus we substitute with this, pretty much brainless sim, to see what would happen.
often a times, we enjoy watching our sim suffer.
nope, we don't feel bad for their death, we go into an amusement mode instead.
then we start all over again, just to kill them again.
or maybe it's just me being sadistic, my apologies.

hopping back to those life pieces scattered all over,
here, you play an important role in determining how much you would want to know about life.
you have the choice to pick up these scattered pieces, or choose to ignore them.
if you do pick them up, you have to be prepare to brace the impact each of these pieces come in hand with.

here is an example of a piece that you can pick up on.
i'm here in my room right now, so i'll just pick the standing fan as the example.
now it may seem like there isnt anything that could possibly be related to life.
but yeah.
i'll bring you into my world for a moment. =)

this standing fan has been in this room ever since i moved into this house.
not until this year, it would normally be my auntie who does the cleaning.
but she couldn't be bothered to clean it now, cause i am considered old enough to clean it on my own.
to her, it was time for me to learn to take care of my own room, myself.
the last time i cleaned my room, was december, right before the start of my life as a college student.
then january came, i was considered pretty responsible as i continued to clean my room and all.
but as the months passed, i got lazier. ignored how 'dirty' my room was.
as all i needed, was to come home and get a good sleep, and then proceed to another day in college.
the fan stands there, patiently, functioning every hour i sit here in this room.
it wasn't until last week when i got home, realised how much i had neglected the cleanliness of my own room.
then i had a look at this faithful fan of mine, all dusty and musty.
yeap. i then took the initiative to clean it.
now i feel much better.
how is this related to life?
you can say i'm delusional.
i do believe i am from time to time.
but it is my way of appreciating things.
for instance, the initiative taken to clean this dusty fan, made me feel somewhat uplifted, knowing that it is cleaned.
in this case, the life lesson would be to take initiative to do things, whereby you'll have a positive comeback.

though one can't always expect a positive comeback with every 'life factor' encountered.
with each step a person takes,
a piece of life is learnt.

so what if you decide to ignore those life pieces.
it'll haunt you.
*cues epic music.*
if only it does happen.
then everybody would take an initiative to learn about their own lives.

you can say, some people choose not to meddle with their own lives,
and rather just go with the flow.
but whether you like it or not, life will always be there.
it is inevitable.
it is a part of who we are.

but at the end of the day,
i still think life is a bitch.

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