Monday, August 1, 2011

1st Aug, 2.28pm

" Trust. Something that takes some time to gain. Just like everything else, nothing comes easily. Maybe they do, but that's just pure luck. Violating a person's trust could be disastrous. It is indescribable. But it happens. It feels like you could rip the world apart with your own two bare hands when you do find out that your trusts is being violated. Trust. A telepathy connection between two individuals. A meaning that tells a person that they have somebody they could depend on, somebody who they know they can go to in times of hardship, someone who they can turn to at the end of a gruelling day. Trust. It is lik an invisible string, one that holds on to you with all it's might, unbreakable (as it seems). But no matter how unbreakable it maybe, tensions due to strenuous tuggings and pullings will eventually, someday, somehow. Funny how much effor is needed to weave this invisible string, and that it only takes a snap to break it into pieces. "

if you realise, it is actually very contradicting.
LOL. i think i got confused myself. xD

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