Tuesday, August 16, 2011

here's something retarded about me.
i did not sleep on purpose last night!
no. let me rephrase that.
i did not want to sleep last night.
but i slept at 4 thirty am anyways.
figured that i would need some rest just to get through my day today.
true enough, that sleep was very much needed!

now i realised something.
lacking of sleep can really bring effects to a person.
the only thing is that it varies from each individual
as for me?
i was hyper whole morning,
but i was also feeling really sleepy, could possibly fall asleep at almost any moment where i had nothing to do at all.
i really could've slept if nobody talked to me for a short period of time.

yeap. my body was tired.
i couldn't even walk up the stairs without feeling really tired after the 3rd set of stairs.

even so. it feels good staying up late at night. or rather early in the morning.
it really is good!
it feels like i have much more time to do anything.
more time to do more things.

but yes. there is a reason why staying up late isnt recommended.
it tires a person out,
in a way, it is not healthy either. =/
you're pretty much meddling with your automatic sleeping programme of your own body.
no. do not mess with this.
it is just not a good thing to do.
take care! <3

8hours of sleep.
i need it.

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