Monday, August 8, 2011

after college hours.
benefits outweights the disadvantages.
well, at least in my opinion.

after college hours would be after classes end, up til late night i suppose.
and for studying purposes, it is the best!
simply because you see less people hanging around.
hold it. let me complain about the march intakes and the july intakes first.

being a jan intake, i do have tons to complain of.
i can't imagine how the seniors get used to the constant intakes throughout the year. and prolly until their following few years too. D=
but i know i have tons to complain.
let me begin somewhere.
when i first came in, i learnt that arriving college after 8.20am, there will not be a parking left in that parking area.
when there is no parking there, we have to opt for elephant walk or pyramid.
*noobness strikes as i do not know where else to search for parking. haha! *
parking elsewhere poses concerns to me.
one, elephant walk is a little dangerous to walk alone, since it is considerably far.
two, parking at pyramid is safer, though further, and it cuts throat.
back then, i tried not to park at elephant walk, unless i can get people to walk with me.
and then came the march intakes.
my goodness.
by the time you reach college at 8.10am, that's it.
hurh. and as the days passed, i got lazier and lazier, waking up later and later.
til a point where i actually have to rush.
normally i have to leave my home by 7.20am. in order to get parking.
which i will normally reach college at 7.45am.
WAIT. for the first month of college, i remember i still could get one super nice parking spot at the front row.
that parking spot was like the best.
but as the months passed, i am currently parked at the LAST row. *swoons*
JULY INTAKE. that was it.
i got too lazy to wake up in time for the good parkings.
now, as long as i get rachel and diane to college in time, i am happy.
and if i am lucky enough, i get a parking in college, i'd be really happy.
like really.
8.05am, parking will be full.
though i have no idea how certain people could actually manage to sqeeze in and find a parking when it already looks so full. D=
nah. i wouldn't want to risk it.
i'd rather walk. good exercise. =D
and since i was that lazy, i now wake up at 6.50am and leave at 7.30am.
even rachel got so bored of waiting for me. *oopps*
so i have to go pick her up now.
BUT! i still will feel guilty if i do end up reaching college late.
and i have been late quite alot recently. (considered)
dropping them off at the lobby, and the driving to elephant walk for a parking, walking in a fast pace back to college just so i get to class in time for my psycho.
oh! i also stopped parking at pyramid.
cuts throat like mad, rm7.70 per day. -.-
i'd rather walk. though i do have that thought where i will be attacked somehow someday. but yeah. then i would just consider myself unlucky.

the cafeteria is...
we have to be there early, otherwise we wouldn't even have a place to sit.
*i am not imagining how much of a nuisance we are to the seniors*
then there is the foyer and the library. or any available studying spots.
as the intakes FLOOD in, there isn't much place left to salvage.

which then brings me back to WHY I LIKE AFTER COLLEGE HOURS.
it's like finally, there is peace in college.
where you can only see a few of them around.
not the sea of humans, just a few.
and it's so much more quiet.

well. i like to study with the whole table to myself.
this. is the time where i can actually do that.

i notice, i can actually 'own' the table to myself, if and only if i arrive early to college, 'conquer' the table, and hope that nobody else is daring enough to ask if they can have a space near me.

either early or late, where all the normal people will be at home, or on their way home or ... as long as they're not in college at that particular abnormal time, it is normal. =D

please, i need some alone time too.
especially when i'm studying.
if i have company, i will be distracted, and i will NEVER study. =/

BESIDES! going back home after 7pm is actually a good thing.
i don't have to get stuck in the jam (which takes me about half an hour to an hour to get home from a normally-15minute-drive-IF-traffic-is-smooth drive)
totally forgotten how CLEAR the road was until i went back home at 7.30something today.
no wait. it wasnt clear. just smooth running. still good enough.
since traffic jam start from 5pm onwards. which was the original time i would normally leave for home.

wait wait!
saturdays and sundays are awesome too!
the parking is plentiful. *like*
and there are only handfuls of people.
seriously. SO PEACEFUL!!!!!

i'm looking at how this is going to be a norm starting this week onwards. =F

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